"Yana, look." She open her tiny palm to show me something.

"What's it?" I painfully say.

"I no know, look." She pops what looks like gummy bears in her mouth before her face scrunches up,making me aware that she's having sour worms.

Her face goes back to normal and she giggles making me laugh.

"Take." She offers and I shake my head.

She reaches for Quillon and he picks her up.

"I wan sit on Yana." She tries coming towards me.

"Ana is not feeling well sweetheart." Quillon tells her.

"She like Bwandon?" Her eyes go wide.

"Yes. She's like Brandon, but worse." Quillon inspects her face.

He places a kiss on my forehead before standing up straight.

"You okay, love?" He asks and I nod in response.

"Are you sure?" His eyebrows join together when he sees the bun with bile in it.

I nod again.

"Why aren't you talking?" He asks in a panicked tone.

"Side effect." I groan out and his brows rise.


The door opens and a nurse walks in.

"How are you feeling Ms Allen?" She smiles at me.

I smile back and shrug.

"Don't worry about the side effects, they'll go away soon. I'm here to shift you back to your ward." She says before starting to move my bed along with the monitors out the room.

I close my eyes, not wanting to see any of the people that are outside looking at my frail self on the bed.

I hear a door open and I see that we're back in the room that Quillon and I have been camping in, Quillon's laptop and some files litter the desk, there are some blankets as well on the chairs.

"I'm gonna leave you to now rest. I'll come back later with your food but I suggest you have something light that doesn't require you chewing since your mouth is sore." She smiles.

"I'll make sure she does." Comes Quillon's voice by the door.

"Thank you." She smiles and leaves.

Zoe squirms out of Quillon's hold and rushes to his laptop.

Quillon move to the small refrigerator in the room and brings me my now usual, yoghurt.

"Can you eat by yourself or should I feed you?" Quillon asks.

I shrug and he sits on the bed before starting to feed me.


"How are you feeling today Ana?" Dr Lewis asks as he comes to do my checkups.

"I'm better." I smile.

My mouth is in less pains and my sore throat is also way better now.

"I actually have good news for the both of you." He says to both Quillon and I.

"Can I go home?" I hopefully smile.

"Not just yet. We still have to conduct tests on you." He laughs.

"Oh." Then what's the good news?

"My friend, Doctor Jacobs just called." He smiles and my heart picks up making Quillon and the doctor look at the heart monitor.

"Calm down Orianna, it's good news like I said." He said and I just nod, not knowing what to say.

"He said that the transplant only affects a your ability to conceive if you went through radiotherapy.." I start smiling like crazy. "Since you didn't go through radiotherapy, then you are completely fine to conceive again. You and Quillon can pop out as many babies as you guys want to." He smiles.

I blush at his words but can't help my excitement as I throw myself into Quillon's arm and let out a small shriek.

"But.." he says dimming my smile.

"You guys have to wait at least two to five years before trying. At least even three years because we don't want to take any chances, especially with how smoothly everything has been going." He says and I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding.

Quillon rubs my shoulder.

"Yeah, we understand. We'll follow your orders doc." Quillon cheekily smiles.

"I'll take your leave now, and a nurse will be coming to take a sample of blood Ana." He smiles before leaving.

"How you feeling?" Quillon asks as he peppers my face with kisses.

"Way better." I giggle.

"Can I kiss you, or do you still feel nauseous?" He asks and I nod.

"I'm still nauseous and my mouth tastes like insides." I fake a gag making him laugh.

"I love you." I kiss his cheek.

"I love you too, even though your mouth takes like insides." He chuckles and I roll my eyes.


OriannaWhere stories live. Discover now