Chapter 10

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Jhene Aiko - Blue Dream


Orianna's POV

Quillon pulls up by our apartment and we all get out, he gets Zoe before I can and carefully holds her sleeping form and Brandon has a wide smile as the door opens up for him, making me shake my head.

I'm aware of the new neighbors by the loud music coming from the door next to ours. I make way to unlock the door but Quillon beats me to it, he unlocks door and makes way for Brandon and I to enter before he enters and closes the door.

"I'll put her down." Quillon says and makes his way to the bedroom before I can decline.

I remove my trainers and put on my house slippers just as Quillon exits the room.

"I'll go ask them to keep down a bit." I tell them before leaving.

I knock thrice but see that my small taps on the door aren't doing anything so increase the pressure of my knocks before the door is finally opened to reveal by a girl who looks my age, if not then older.

"What is it?" She obnoxiously asks while chewing, making my face scrunch up in fear of her saliva getting on my face.

They must've put up some LED lights because the room seems to be purple and red, with other coloured floating around the room.

"Hi, I'm Orianna, your neighbor. I just came to ask you to please keep the music down because we trying to get some sleep." I politely say, ignoring the way she's eyeing me.

"Who's at the door!?" I hear a voice come from the inside.

"The neighbor, she's complaining about the noise." She talks back to the person inside.

"Tell her to fuck off and close that door!" The girl looks at me and shrugs then closes the door, while furiously chewing her gum.


"Did they agree?" Brandon asks as soon as I walk in the door.

"Nope, she closed the door at my face." I say, still in shock.

"I'll go give it a try, you go rest." Quillon places his phone down and got up from the couch.

"No, no, you don't have to, I'm sure they-"

"I said I'll talk to them, Anna." He says making me nod my head.

He exits and I see the dishes in the sink and let out a sigh.

I start with the dishes and my eyebrows rise in surprise when I hear the music die down. Quillon is very much full of surprises.

"What did you do that I didn't?" I ask as soon as he walks in.

"Magicians never reveal their secrets, love." He shrugs with a smug smile, making me giggle and shake my head.

"Wait- what are you doi- Brandon," he calls.

"Yes." Comes Brandon's voice.

"Come here." Quillon sternly says.


"Keep quiet, Anna." He shushes me.

"Why didn't you do the dishes?" He asks Brandon.

"Anna said I could leave them." He says.

"Anna said you cou- stop doing the dishes." He tells me, before turning the faucet to have me rinse my hands.

"Brandon and I will do the dishes, you can go change and do whatever. " He shoos me from the kitchen while rolling up his sleeves.

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