💎 Closure 💎

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Hello Gems, MinJee is back for the last time. I know I should've uploaded this chapter sooner but... Anyways, I am here to break the news that Gemstone Awards 2020 has finished successfully! I am really happy, proud and little sad at the same time. Lol!!

Okay, so let's get to it. Apologies in advance if it will bore you but I really want to do it, so...

I, Min Ju Kim, the founder and the host of Gemstone Awards 2020, would like to present my vote of thanks to everyone who is connected to GSA 2020.

When I first started this award, I was really insecure and always wondered if anyone will enter in this award but the moment I saw 80+ notifications right after publishing the awards, I got a hope that no matter what, since I've started it I should finish it. My gems, you all are my support and I thank each one of you for participating in Gemstone Awards. I thank you for trusting this awards and for giving me and my team a chance to read your books.

After the submission period ended, I was completely stress free because of my wonderful judging team as they kept me updated of the results and didn't ghost off.

MorganaMevil I thank you for sincerely judging the participants of action/adventure and teen fiction genres and for providing such detailed review to each of them. I know it must be hard for you and I thank you whole heartedly.

DaughterofAthena125 You are a lovely friend and a great hand in making this awards a success. Thank you for judging the participants of fantasy and romance genres and for presenting the results in such an arranged manner. I wish you the very best for The Athens Awards 2020.

_Rae_21 You are a straight to the point person and I thank you for judging the participants of mystery/thriller genre so sharply. Your feedback will surely help them to improve their writings.

theoceancuzimsalty- For GSA 2020, you came like an angel sent from heaven. I give my deepest gratitude to you for judging the participants of random/non-fiction/humour and vampire/werewolf genres in such a short time period. Eid Mubarak to you!

komal2016 I hate you for going to a hiatus without telling me but I love you for once again having my back and for helping me to make this awards a successful awards. I thank you for judging the participants of historical fiction and poetry genres and I additionally thank you for preparing named stickers and certificates for all the participants.

I congratulate all the gems who emerged as the winners and I thank all my gems for participating in Gemstone Awards 2020.

I also thank Wattpad for providing such a wonderful platform and for giving me such amazing gems. I wish you all will keep shining forever.

Thank you.

Before going, who is excited for GSA 2021?

MinJee out!

💎 Gemstone Awards 2020 💎

Gemstone Awards 2020Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt