💎 Check them Too! 💎

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  Gemstone Awards is going in full swing, we have four genres completely filled and only few more slots are left in other genres. This all happened because of you readers. I express my gratitude to all the readers who have donated their time to this awards.

There are some friends who need special recognition for helping me. So, here I present all the other awards which are great support to me.

Even they are in need of participants, so I would recommend you to check them out. 😉

🏆 The Athenian Awards hosted by TheAthenianAwards

🏆 The Light Awards hosted by _librarywelcomesme_

🏆 The Spring Awards 2020 hosted by TheSpringAwards

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🏆 The Spring Awards 2020 hosted by TheSpringAwards

🏆 The Ruby Awards Spring Edition hosted by The_ruby-awards

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🏆 The Ruby Awards Spring Edition hosted by The_ruby-awards

🏆 The Ruby Awards Spring Edition hosted by The_ruby-awards

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🏆 The All Star Awards hosted by starzzz2

🏆 The Fandom Awards 2020 by MazeCrankQueen

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🏆 The Fandom Awards 2020 by MazeCrankQueen

🏆 Lattes Monthly Awards hosted by voidlattes

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🏆 Lattes Monthly Awards hosted by voidlattes

🏆 Lattes Monthly Awards hosted by voidlattes

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Do check them out guys!

Thank you for your time.

MinJee out! 💎

Gemstone Awards 2020Where stories live. Discover now