💎 Judging Criteria💎

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Hello MinJee here! The slots are filling up rapidly which is great. Currently, there are only 19 open slots in Gemstone Awards and I am sure that it will fill soon.

Anyway, regarding that, I am thinking to close the awards before the decided period because I don't think it would be a good idea to keep the awards open when all the genres are already filled up, right?

While we wait for all the slots to get full, why not I give you some tips and criteria which are essential from the judging point.

These criteria are solely picked by the judge who will judge the participants of Gemstone Awards 2020.

Criteria For Novel

- On the basis of Presentation:

• Cover and title: 10 marks
The attractiveness of the cover and title. How eye catching they are?

• Blurb/ Description: 10 marks
The presentation of the story plot. How captivating the blurb is. Is it interesting?

- On the basis of Story:

• Plotline: 10 marks
How does the story differs from other stories?

• Flow of Chapters: 5 marks
Connectivity between two chapters. Does the story flows smoothly or are there plot holes in the middle?

• Length of the Chapters: 5 marks
Are the chapters too lengthy or has a perfect length required for the story?

• Perfect grammar: 10 marks
Sentence structure. Is it easy to read the sentences and understand or does it has errors in tenses, punctuation and spellings.

• Originality of the characters: 10 marks
How realistic the characters are and how is the character development between them.

- On the basis of Capability:

• Interest capability: 10 marks
Does it catches the reader's interest?

• Hooking capability: 10 marks
Does it makes the reader want to read it uncontrollably?

• Creative capability: 10 marks
How creative the plot twists are?

• Uniqueness of the story: 10 marks
How unique is the story and its characters?

Grand total of 100 marks.

Criteria for Poetry

- On the basis of Presentation:

• Correlation between cover, title and blurb: 10 marks
Do the cover, title and blurb relate with each other? Are they eye catching?

- On the basis of Poem:

Relevance to the theme - 20 marks
Does the poem relates to the particular theme?

• Creativity/Style and Originality - 20 marks
How creative and original the poem is? Does it follows a particular rhyme scheme?

Coherence of form and structure - 10 marks
How is the harmony of words and presentation of the poem.

• Clarity of imagery and language - 10 marks
How imaginative the reader gets by reading it? Is the language easy to understand?

- On the basis of Capability:

• Connecting capability: 10 marks
How connective the poem is to the reader. Does it live an impact on the reader?

• Interest capability: 10 marks
Does it catches the reader's interest?

• Hooking capability: 10 marks
Does it makes the reader want to read it uncontrollably?

Grand total of 100 marks.

These are the judging criteria which the judge will follow for judging the books and for giving the reviews.

Hey, would you mind taking a tip from me?

Since presentation is giving you 20 marks, why not grab them whole heartedly? Make an eye catching cover and write a hooking blurb and secure your 20 marks!!!

The Judge: Ya! Are you trying to help the participants?

I apologise!

Alright, so with this I would like to take my leave.

Don't forget to polish your books!

Till then,


- MinJee out!

- MinJee out!

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Gemstone Awards 2020Where stories live. Discover now