💎 Helpful Update 💎

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Hello to you, MinJee is back!

Now I would like to tell you that this update is not concerned with the awards, but hey read it till the end because I think it will be a big help and a great time saver for you.

Have you ever faced that situation when you have to wait like forever to gain something? Talk about an interview, an advertisement, a book review, an editor etc

I know, I've faced the problem myself and my experience was not good.

But, CHEER UP GUYS! because I would like to present to you...

Summer Magic Community

A place for all your needs exclusively made on Wattpad by a team of members who are willing to help you in everything you need!

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A place for all your needs exclusively made on Wattpad by a team of members who are willing to help you in everything you need!

Here is an overview of all the programs that the community is hosting at the moment.

A monthly awards to give new writers confidence.

A monthly cover contest for encouraging new graphic designers

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A monthly cover contest for encouraging new graphic designers.

A review book to help you know what others think about your work

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A review book to help you know what others think about your work.

A review book to help you know what others think about your work

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A book club to know more writers like you.

A request book to get more reads, comments, followers and to advertise your book

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A request book to get more reads, comments, followers and to advertise your book.

A request book to get more reads, comments, followers and to advertise your book

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An interview magazine to feature yourself on Wattpad.

An interview magazine to feature yourself on Wattpad

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An editing book to polish your book to perfection.

Want to know the members? This book is dedicated to them

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Want to know the members? This book is dedicated to them.

They will conduct many more exciting and helpful programs in the future

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They will conduct many more exciting and helpful programs in the future. So what are you waiting for? Support them guys and gals and help them to grow!

 So what are you waiting for? Support them guys and gals and help them to grow!

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Follow them here: SummerMagicCommunity

That's it. Thanks for reading till the end. I hope you have discovered a perfect place for all your needs now.

Till then, Bye. Don't forget to fill the remaining 12 slots. We need participants in:

Historical Fiction -06
Random/Non-fiction/Humour -05
Vampire/Werewolf -01

Its not too many slots so guys please fill them before the closing date.

Thank You.

- MinJee out!

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