Chapter 24 - Sunday bloody sunday

Start from the beginning

The latex-gloved hand wrapped around my arm tightened strongly as his head leaned forward, "You don't get to act like this here, you don't get to lie either." With a tone low and threatening, his breath brushed the shell of my ear before he pulled out a knife out of nowhere and grazed it against my cheek ever so slightly. I didn't flinch. I wanted to, but I didn't. "Would you think me dumb enough to lie to an assassin?" I asked rhetorically before looking at my hands, he followed my gaze and slowly I patted my thighs to show him I did not have pockets. "It should be somewhere; it can't just disappear but I don't have it. Now let me go." Delicately, I pulled the knife away from my cheek, and he let it drop to the ground without a care in the world. I was still on guard, I now fully understood that I could not get comfortable around them, not one bit. Going back to his lighter mood, he whined, "Where could it beee, Ghia help me find it- I need it to continue this fun game!" he pouted, but Ghiaccio did not react. As I was about to return to Fugo, a deep voice echoed at the entrance of the room, the same voice that had greeted me earlier. "Coda," I heard Melone coo upon hearing my 'name', "Our boss is here, I'll let you join him," I noted how he did not say that his boss was ready to see me, because I knew the man did not give a single fuck if I came by his office or not. Motioning for Fugo to follow me, Prosciutto shook his head as he puffed smoke through his nose, "Just you. Don Giovanna's lapdog stays behind." He stated before turning around and walking towards the flight of stairs. "You're not going in there alone-" Fugo was cut off when Melone joined us once more, he had given up on looking for my ring, which kind of pissed me off but I didn't mention it. "Are you scared our boss will do something bad?" He asked Fugo with a smirk before looking down at me, "All she has to do is behave and not be noisy, everything will be fine." He suggested, but there was an underlying meaning there. The man was subtly threatening me. I scoffed and shook my head, meeting Fugo's annoyed eyes. "If there's something wrong, you'll hear me." I winked, hoping he understood I meant I'd use my stand so that he'd hear what was going on.

With him giving me a short nod, I scurried off and followed Prosciutto's long stride up the stairs. "How long did it take to convince him to see me?" From what I had read, Risotto was just like Bucciarati, a workaholic ready to do everything for the safety of his team. And from that information, I had guessed he probably had never left the headquarter and was there all along, but was just not in the mood to see people. The blond man chuckled as we arrived at the top of the stairs, "A while. I don't care that you're an emissary, I don't really think you'll get shit from him, but the least he can do is see you. Just out of respect, and maybe curiosity. It's not every day we see new faces in the famiglia..." he trailed off as he gave me good look, inspecting my features or perhaps check if I had any weapon on me. Seeming satisfied, he opened the door to a room without even knocking once, "The emissary is here." he announced before leaving. I wached his form slowly disappear down the stairs in awe, I thought he'd stay, for the sole minute I had spent with him I thought I could count on him for some support with their capo. Fuck. Stepping inside slowly, not hesitantly because that would look like I was scared, which I was not. Nope; The man at the desk suddenly stood up, and shit was he tall, I approached his desk with a few steps and looked up at his vibrant red eyes. I had forgotten that about him when I saw him at the ball, even with heels he was still much taller. I thought the feeling of unease I had felt at the ball was because it was some special circumstances in which we met, but right now there was this knot me in my stomach as he stood there. "Risotto Nero." He introduced himself in this dark and deep voice, if I thought Abbacchio's voice was the deepest, I was wrong. He extended a hand; I took it and shook it firmly before sitting down as he gestured the seat in front of his desk. "Coda. We've met at th-" "I know, I remember. I see Bucciarati made a decision. Perhaps not the wisest, but at least he made his mind."

I remember very well the way he urged us to decide to join or not this 'business', I hardly think he cared when he said it. His only goal was to annoy Bruno, and along the way scare me to not join them. In the end it did not work that much. "I did make my mind, Bucciarati had nothing to do with it." He quirked a brow at my words, not expecting this kind of answer. I leaned on the back of the chair to sit straight as I crossed my legs in a professional way. "So, you did not join this business for him." His tone was mocking, it ticked me off the wrong way. "I can assure you, not every decision a woman makes revolves around a man." I stated with a smile, this time he was the one to be have been ticked off but it did not show much on his body language. A simple movement of his lips was enough, he was not very expressive in the first place. Not giving me another glance, he opened a file on his desk and started annotating things on the papers, "Why are you here." He demanded without looking away from the file, "The Don knows you know more about Vendetta Rossa than you say you do." I stated with the most composure I could muster, I wouldn't say I was threatening but the goal was not to be intimidating, it was to not let transpire my actual emotion that was slight fear. "We do not. You came here for nothing." He said in a monotonous tone. I hummed a moment, "You know, I was busy downstairs with your teammates," I started as I gauged his reaction to each of my words, for now nothing. "Melone is a big fan of playing with things at stake, like: information, for example." I continued and he stopped writing. Joining my hands on my knee to hide any physical show that I was uneasy, Risotto looked up from his work and met my eyes steadily as he leaned back on his chair. So, it was not uncommon for Melone to do such a thing, I thought curiously. I could roll with the idea of knowing things, just because he shared info with me. Without words he told me to continue.

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