Prologue (Rewrite)

Start from the beginning

However before a conflict between both expedition could open fire on each other, their leaders prevented the incident from happening.
They then went in front of their group to have a negotiation.

"Sorry of we're in Japanese terrority. We were just exploring this place. Also I know English." said Hans Von Heinkels.

"My apologies to you as well. However this is not Japanese terrority but my group is also exploring the cave as well." said Mikito Izumato in his Japanese accent.

"I didn't know you could speak English." said Hans Von Heinkels.

"I didn't know you would too otherwise we could have been in a language barrier between us." Mikito Izumato said. "I went to America for officer's trainning."

"Same thing with me although I was in a different branch before being part of the SS." Hans Von Heinkels said.

"So German, what are you and your men exploring in this strange cave? My men and I were there on an investigatation." Mikito Izumato said.

Hans Vin Heinkels explained to the Japanese officer that they were sent here to explore unknown areas that could be the greatest discovery for the German Reich.

After finishing his setence, Mikito Izumato was a bit interested. "Hmmmm....Interesting." said Mikto Izumato. "I propose an alliance with each other since we have the same goals." as he reached out his hand.

Hans Von Heinkels was a bit suprised as he had been friends with the National Chinese but since he and the Japanese officer were in a cave with the same goal, he took the offer. Hans shaked Miktio's hand this signeling the alliance between SS expedition and the Japanese Regiment.

They marched down the cave unopposed. It was completely dark in the cave devoid of any life except from the light of the soldiers.

Then things got strange and unexpected as they came out of the lifeless, dark cave into a paradise.

"Wo sind wir Heinkels? (Where are we Heinkels?)" the German Secretary said in shock at what he's seeing.

"Es scheint, wir haben den Mittelpunkt der Erde erreicht. (It appears we reached the center of the earth)." Hans Von Heinkels said to his Secretary.

"I can't believe my eyes. I thought this was only made-up and yet here I am in this paradise as if it were a dream than reality." Colonel Mikito Izumato said with both an excitiment and shock mood.

Hans Von Heinkels took out his binoculor to get a good look at the area they were in, he spotted an ancident looking temple. But this wasn't any old temples from history, this temple was much more advanced.

 But this wasn't any old temples from history, this temple was much more advanced

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