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"So you're the remments of the Imperial Japanese Empire from World War 2." A familiar businessman asked.

" A familiar businessman asked

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"Kind of." as the person the man was talking to was none other than Emperor Mikito Izumato. "I have a deal with you."

"What kind of deal?" Steven Armstrong asked.

"If you and your company joined the Neo-Axis, then we will recongize you as our powerful allie and aid you in your world domination." Mikito Izumato said with a smile in his face.

"Yes! Yes! I submit the deal!" Armstrong said in excitment.

"Good. First you will have to stop resuppling all world terrorist groups to show your company's loyal to us the Neo-Axis!"

"Sure thing." Armstrong said as he got up.

"Hold on. We're not done yet." Mikito Izumato ordered.

Steven Armstrong sat down. He was wondering why Mikito told him they were not done yet.

Then Mikito Izmato revealed the second part of the deal. "I want you to kill this American war hero of the rebel group me and my allies are facing." as he shows a photo of Jake O'Brian.

"So what do you want me to do?" Steve Armstrong in a curious mood

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"So what do you want me to do?" Steve Armstrong in a curious mood. He was willing to do anything to prove his loyalty to his new allie.

"I want you to kidnap his family. Used them as a bait so we can take him out if he's alive." Mikito Izumato said with a devil smile.

Fourth Reich Lab

Leon Weber freaked out. What did they do to him? Their turn him into nothing but a cold-blood machine. He should have died during the Base Gramma assault with his team rather than be a test subject.

He was crying like a baby even though he was 49 years old. Beside him was his closest friend, Hans Von Heinkels.

"Beruhige dich, Weber. (Calm down, Weber.)"

"Beruhige dich für was? Jetzt wo ich eine kaltblütige Maschine bin?! (Calm down for what? Now that I'm a cold blood machine?!" He shouted. "Dies ist ein schlimmeres Schicksal als der Tod. (This is a worse fate than death)." as he coutinue to cry.

"Leon. Zumindest hat dich der Tod verschont. Ich weiß, dass dir das nicht gefällt, aber du wirst dich bald rächen. (Leon. At least death spared you. I know you don't like this but you'll get your revenge soon.)" Hans calmed his friend in pity.

"Ich werde ... meine Rache bekommen? (I'll... get my revenge?)" the cyborg said.

Hans Von Heinkels nodded. "Sie werden Ihren Kader bald rächen. Rechtzeitig. (You'll avenge your squad soon. In time)." Before pausing for a bit. "Aber jetzt habe ich eine wichtige Aufgabe für dich. (But right now, I got an important task for you.)"

The Nazi cyborg paused his actions and settled down.

"Ich mache Sie zu einem Beobachter für einen Mann namens Graf Dooku. (I'm making you an observer for a man named Count Dooku)."

Before his Cyborg transformation, Leon Weber was an observer in China as he oversaw the development for the Chinese Revolutionary Army. He knew why Hans chose him for this task.

"Ich erwarte gutes Benehmen mit unserem neuen Verbündeten. Verstehst du, Hollenmaschine? (I expect good behavior with our new allie. You understand, Hollenmaschine?)". Hans Von Heinkels said to the reborn cyborg.

"Ja mein Fürher. (Yes my Fürher)." the newly borned Höllenmaschine said in a cold angry voice.

"Viel Glück mein Freund. Die Zeit wird bald kommen. (Good luck my friend. Time will come soon.)"
Hans said with an evil smile.

To Be Continued.... In Book 2.

The Rise of the Neo-Axis (Neo-Axis V Multiverse Book 1) (Old)Where stories live. Discover now