Revenge never works

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(In Grim HQ)

Xuli's POV
I woke up and saw rusty metal all around me. It must be Grim HQ, I thought. I got up to see, but I felt severe pain in my chest, and then looked down to see myself all wrapped up in bandages, which shocked me. I couldn't remember anything clearly, but I could remember that my team was here. But what happened next? Where was everyone? How did I get in here? I had so many questions with no answers
Despite the pain, I thought to get up to go to the control room and check out what was going on. I could hardly walk, and I fell down a few times, but I somehow got myself there. There I saw my cousin, flying Grim HQ. I was a bit surprised. Then I turned around and I saw Tala and Glitch tied up. It got me worried.
Then suddenly, I started to remember what happened. Glitch shot Kyan, and later me, and that's why I'm feeling this pain. I was feeling both angry and sad at the same time. Ayla fooled Glitch, and he did all of it for Tala.
Now I felt the pain getting even worse. I decided to talk but I couldn't because she spoke before me.

Ayla: Oh hello! Glad you finally woke up sleeping beauty. Sleeping ugly, actually. That sounds a lot better!

Xuli: Please stop doing this, please. At least let my friends go. You can do anything to me, but please stop hurting my friends.

Ayla: Blah blah blah, stop preaching at me. I should have killed you in the first place!

Xuli: Please, it's all I'm asking you, please let Tala and Glitch go, it's not their fault any of these things happened.

Ayla: Uh. If you say.

(Ayla untied Glitch and Tala and they left with the Grimbler)

Ayla: Don't think that I'm your servant to do everything you say sleeping ugly

Xuli: Stop calling me sleeping ugly, by the way. Please stop doing this. You won't get anything. Revenge won't change anything. You can still join the academy if you want. What do you think you would get from hurting others? It will not change anything. I'm sure there's a better way to do things. I know you lost everything and everyone, trying to help others, but give it another chance. I know I can help you. Please.

(Xuli's voice was breaking up a bit now, she was feeling more pain now, she couldn't stand properly, and she fell down unconscious again).

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