Mr Medthanan's true identity 2

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Mr Medthanan took arthit out of the room and went to the elevator and pressed the third floor button

arthit's mother was in the room of third floor

Mr Medthanan already have met her before

When she saw Mr Medthanan for the first time in the hospital after so many years, all the bitter memories of the past came to her mind, she got panic attack and started yelling and beating Mr Medthanan

Mr Medthanan joined his both hands and begged her for her forgiveness

Don't know if she forgave Mr Medthanan or not, but she became calm

Mr Medthanan told Miss Jane that he would bring his son to meet him,which made her very happy and she was anxiously waiting to see her son

Kongpop's initial treatment and hospital treatment had significantly improved Miss Jane's condition

She didn't have panic attacks anymore,she looked very calm, It didn't look like she had a mental illness at all

Mr Medthanan got out of the elevator,he was walking slowly towards Miss jane's room ,The bitter memories of the past were running like a movie in his mind

He was responsible for the destruction of his family and his wife and children

The condition in which his ex wife was today, he was the biggest culprit of her condition

Intoxicated with his youth, ego, luxury and bad temper, he divorced his wife and took tin away from his mother

Miss jane loved her son tin very much

She kept begging Mr Medthanan to give tin back to her but Mr Medthanan did not return tin to his mother.....In the grief of losing her son, she became depressed and lost her mental balance

Mr Medthanan was also responsible for the present condition of arthit and tin

Mr Medthanan fulfilled tin's every legitimate and illegitimate wish, thinking that he would not miss his mother, due to which he became a man for whom morality, human and humanity had no status

He never wanted to make tin such a man, but while giving him love, Mr Medthanan himself did not know when tin became such a man.

And because of Mr Medthanan, arthit lived the life of an orphan even though his parents were alive and because of poverty, he continued to be the victim of people's oppression, he had suffered a lot more than his age, tin and kongpop treated him inhumanly that embarrassed all of humanity

Mr Medthanan was walking slowly, lost in thoughts ,arthit was following him,there was happiness and excitement on arthit face

Mr Medthanan took him to his mother's room

"Your mother is in this room..." Mr Medthanan stood outside Miss jane's room and told him with a slight smile

arthit looked in through the door glass

His mother was sitting on the bed and was looking at the watch anxiously

A slight smile appeared on arthit's face and his eyes started getting teary with happiness

Happiness and tears could be seen in his eyes at the same time

arthit was standing outside of the room and looking at his mother through the door glass

"Why are you standing here ,Let's go in the room" Mr Medthanan grabbed arthit's wrist and pulled him in the room

Miss Jane quickly got up from the bed to see both of them

"Mama!!" arthit looked at his mother with teary eyes, said in slow teary voice and headed towards her

Miss Jane ignored arthit presence and went to Mr Medthanan , there were happiness and hope in her eyes

"Where is my son???, you promised me that you would bring my son to meet me...... tell me where is my son???" Miss Jane grabbed Mr Medthanan's both hands and looked into his eyes with hopeful eyes

"Mama!" arthit looked at his mother with confused and questionable eyes

"I have brought your son, he is standing behind you" Mr Medthanan turned her face towards arthit and pointed to arthit

"Where is my son??" Miss jane looked back and began to look around with searching eyes

"Mama here I am" arthit grabbed his mother's hand softly and was about to hug her but miss jane pushed him forcefully

"No, you are not my son,stay away from me...."Miss jane pushed him as forcefully as she could ,arthit fell down on the ground

"What are you doing...." Mr Medthanan's expression changed when he saw arthit falling to the ground and immediately ran toward arthit and was about to give him hand but Miss Jane grabbed his hand and stopped him

"I want my son can't break your promise.. you said that you would give me back my tin...I will sign divorce papers...I don't want anything from property...I just want my tin....he would be hungry.. he has school important test ...he would be late.....I beg you please for God sake give me back my tin..... " Miss Jane sat in Mr Medthanan's foot and started crying and begging with joined hands

Arthit was looking at his mother with surprised, confused and questionable eyes...

What he heard was many times more than he believed ,His mind was working very slowly to understand the words his mother had said

Mr Medthanan was looking at arthit,there was a horrible pain on arthit's face, Mr Medthanan heart was shedding tears of blood to see arthit's pain....he felt like his heart would brust with the intensity of pain

He wanted to tell him the truth himself at the right time but he didn't know that the truth would come out to him in such a cruel way ,He did not know how much more the truth would have broken the already broken arthit's existence,arthit's inner destruction could be seen very clearly on his face

The bitter consequences of Mr Medthanan's bitter deeds in the past were before him

He had long been serving a sentence for his past sins,He did not spend a single night in peace and today, once again, his past stood in front of him with his insidious laughter, teasing him.

The woman who was sitting at his feet crying ,he was her culprit

The boy who was his elder son and was in prison in a state of mental anguish and distress ,He was guilty of his too

This boy who had lived a long painful miserable life and he wanted to hug his mother and cry and forget all his sorrows but mother refused to recognize him ,and he was sitting on the ground, watching his mother with tears and pain in his eyes, Mr Medthanan was also guilty of him

The luxury and carelessness of his youth had ruined the lives of so many of his loved ones, He heart was crying tears of blood ,He wanted to go back in time and change everything, but he couldn't change anything

Mr Medthanan looked at the two of them, who were sitting on the ground and shedding tears over their own grief.


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