Mr Medthanan's true identity

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After spending a few days in the hospital with arthit, a friendly atmosphere developed between the two

The fear that appeared in arthit's eyes when he saw Mr Medthanan was gone

Mr Medthanan had told arthit that his mother was fine and she is being treated in the same hospital ,If he takes good care of his health, he will take him to visit his mother

arthit was very happy to hear about his mother ,arthit didn't like taking medicine at all, but he started eating everything quietly at the hope that he would be allowed to see his mother as soon as he recovered.

arthit's mental and physical health was rapidly improving,Mr Medthanan was happy to see it

Mr Medthanan did not know if arthit liked roses or not but he brought red roses for him every day because the first day he met arthit, he had a red rose petal in his hand so Mr Medthanan thought he liked red roses.

Mr Medthanan didn't know what arthit liked to eat but he brought different food for him every day and when arthit ate, Mr Medthanan would look at the expressions on his face and guess what he liked.

arthit didn't say much, he did talk a little,he only spoke when it necessary

Mr Medthanan had not yet told arthit that he was his father

He wanted to tell arthit everything but he did not have the courage to tell anything because there were a lot of things related to explain, to which Mr Medthanan had no explanation

Mr Medthanan wanted to embrace his son as a father and wanted to tell him that he is his father, But he did not want to lose his baby prince again

he was sure that arthit would hate him

Mr Medthanan would have tolerated his hatred, But arthit's health was not such that he could be put at any risk at that time. ,Mr Medthanan was afraid that his health would be worse again in hatred and anger to know the bitter reality

So he was silent and wanted to remain silent until arthit fully recovered

arthit had been looking very happy since this morning because Mr Medthanan had promised him the day before that he would take him to meet his mother tomorrow

arthit stayed up all night, He had not slept all night and had woken up very early in the morning

arthit was looking at watch and door desperately again and again

He would immediately look at the door with every slight sigh

There was a shine and joy in his eyes at the joy of meeting his mother

It is true that his mother was mentally ill , From a very young age, instead of taking care of arthit,arthit was the one who took care of his mother himself

As a child, arthit used to feed his mother food and medicine with his small hands, He washed her clothes and took great care of her in every way

Sometimes it seemed that she was not arthit's mother but arthit was her mother, But it doesn't matter if she was mentally unstable or what she was like, she was his mother and the only member of his family and arthit loved her very much

Even today time was passing very slowly,One minute seemed like an hour

arthit was looking at watch when he heard the door open

"Please Please be Mr Medthanan this time" arthit prayed in his heart and quickly looked at the door

Fortunately, it was Mr Medthanan who opened the door this time, arthit greeted him with a big smile

"Oh you are ready.I thought you weren't even awake yet" Mr Medthanan looked at arthit with a smile

"Let's go to see mama?" arthit didn't even answered him and said in excitement ,he was about to got up from the bed when Mr Medthanan stopped him

"Hey wait, be patient, Have breakfast first" Mr Medthanan looked at him with surprised face

"Okay........" arthit looked down in embarrassment with slight smile

Mr Medthanan smiled to see his facial expressions and he put a small table in front of him and put breakfast on it

arthit quickly ate the whole sandwich in just two bites and drank all the juice in one breath

"I am done" arthit wiped his lips and looked at Mr Medthanan with a bright smile,His eyes were shining with happiness, Mr Medthanan had seen arthit so happy for the first time in these days

"May God always make you smile like this my child " a prayer automatically came out of Mr Medthanan's mouth to see the innocent happiness on arthit's face and Mr Medthanan hugged him tightly

"T....Thanks uncle" arthit said in slow confuse voice,arthit was surprised at Mr Medthanan sudden hug ,arthit hid his surprise, not understanding why Mr Medthanan was so suddenly emotional

Mr Medthanan's grip loosened to hear the word "uncle" ,he broke hug and slowly backed away from arthit with weak steps,he felt pain in his heart, Deep sadness could be seen in his aged eyes

"Are you okay uncle?" arthit looked at Mr Medthanan in confusion

"Let's go to see your mother" Mr Medthanan said with a slight smile, hiding his heartache

"Okay!!" arthit quickly got up with happiness


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