Beginning of Revenge

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Smack!! smack!!! smack!! smack!!"


"Kong stop" Tin





"Kong i said stop"Tin


"I SAIDDD STOPPP" Tin shouted and tried to stop kongpop who was beating his servants angrily

"Why are you doing this what is wrong with you"Tin said angrily

"Tin stay away from me or i will punch you too"Kongpop hissed

"Oh seriously kong????"Tin looked at him angrily

"Ok do it ............ if you think it will reduce your anger then punch me but don't do that to your servants" Tin shouted angrily

"What is their mistake?? why are you beating them??" Tin got frustrated

Kongpop  ignored his question and turned his face to other side he was damn angry because of yesterday incident when he told to Arthit that he wants his virginity, arthit slapped him without any hesitation

And now he is beating his servants with belt to reduce his anger

But it seems like it is not working because his anger is increasing instead of decreasing

" listen to me kong" Tin said to kong but kong didn't look at tin and ignored him again

"LISTEN TO ME KONG!!!!" Tin shouted

"WHAAATTT????" kongpop shouted back

"First of all you have to calm down  your anger and show him that who are you and what is his real place" Tin said in low voice

"Yes maybe he forgot his real place he is my whore bitch..... I will show him his real place he can slap me" Kongpop tightened his fist angrily

"Hmmm right" Tin nodded

"Where is  my mobile" kongpop started looking around.

"Here is it" Tin pointed his finger

Kongpop took his mobile  dialled a number

"Hello I want all information about Arthit perawat...........yes...........till night....ok ok i am waiting ..make it as fast as you can...bye" Kongpop hung up the call and showed a devil smile

"What are you going to do ......what is in your mind kong "tin was confused to see suddenly smile on his face

"Just wait and watch" kongpop smirked

"Ok don't tell me but make sure he will not forget his real place again" tin looked at him and said calmly

"Don't worry tin he won't"kongpop said in cold voice

"He will regret for his misbehave .......i will make this a worst mistake of his like " kongpop said in scary voice


Love is Pain (KongArthit & TinCan version)Where stories live. Discover now