Devil Den

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Kongpop was busy in kissing arthit when he heard his Mobile ring kongpop made a face because he didn't want to stop kissing arthit But picked up the call with unwilling heart

"What ........what the hell .........where are doctors.......... Give them more money......... i don't want to listen any excuse............ i want her alive .........If she die you can't imagine what i will do to you ............ok go ahead .........hmmm ok ...." Kongpop was talking to caller

Arthit got scared to listen the conversation because he knew that they were talking about his mother

"Is she not fine ????what happened to her???? how is she????" Arthit got scared and started listening what kong was saying

After talking to the caller kong threw mobile on the bed

"Is she fine " arthit asked him immediately in shaking voice

"Her condition is critical " kongpop said in cold voice

"W ......what i .......i have to go" arthit got scared

Arthit stood up with a jerk and started running toward the door

Kongpop raised his eyebrows and grabbed his hand and stopped him to open the door

"I am not done yet sugar lips and who told you that you can go out baby" kongpop said and pushed him toward wall grabbed his hands tightly and started kissing him

Arthit got angry He felt like his brain is going to explode He pushed him away from himself and started yelling

"What the hell wrong is with you , my mother is dying and you want me to stand here and let you to kiss me , you are not a human you are evil kong, I hate you so much I am going " arthit was yelling without any fear and opened the door and started running toward main gate

Kongpop got angry but he tried to calm himself because he knew that arthit can't go from devil den without his permission

Kongpop came down stairs and sat with his friends who were sitting in the main hall

They all were shocked after seeing arthit who ran toward main gate few minutes ago They started looking at kong who was calm like there was nothing happened

"Kong what happened " tin asked him

" Nothing Tin my sugar lips is very innocent he don't know who i am and how much dangerous i am " kongpop said calmly

"was he yelling at you???" Em said with wide eyes

"Hmmm he has forgotten his real place but don't worry i will teach him a good lesson, he will never ever forget his real place He is my whore my personal property" kong said angrily

Two guards saw arthit who was running toward main gate they went to him and caught his hand firmly and started pushing him toward main hall arthit was trying to free his hands

"Leave me please, i have to go hospital, my mother is waiting for me she is dying , please leave me" arthit started crying and pleading

"You can't go out from here without boss permission" one guard said and started pushing him

When they entered in the hall arthit saw kong who was sitting on the coach

There were also Tin Tew and Em who were talking to kongpop

Kongpop stood up from the coach and started staring at arthit

"Welcome back sugar lips " kongpop said with devil smile

Arthit started sobbing Tears was falling from his eyes nonstop

"Are you dumb, didn't i said that this is devil den and you can't go anywhere without devil permission" kongpop smirked

"How you can push kong and how you can yell at him , be prepare for outcome , Now we just can pray for you arthit" Em said and looked at arthit

"Our prayers are with you arthit I am feeling pity for you " tin laughed

"Hey friends you can go now, i have to talk to my sugar lips see you tomorrow " kongpop said

"Make sure he never forget the lesson" tin said and smirked

"Don't worry Tin he won't" kongpop showed side smile

"Bye kong" tin , Em and tew said and went toward main gate

"Please let me go , my mother is in ICU , i want to go please" arthit started pleading

"Don't you want to give me any explanation about what you just did???" kongpop said calmly

"I am sorry , i won't do it again , just let me go na please " arthit was crying

"This is not your first mistake sugar lips, i have to punish you baby" kongpop said calmly

"Punish me , do whatever you want to do with me but please let me go , i will come soon I want to see my mother please " arthit was crying badly and started pleading

"You can't go to the hospital baby you are going to the torture room with me "kong said and smiled

looked at him wide eyes

Kong grabbed him from hair and started pulling him toward torture room

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