Chapter 3: Lost and Foundlings

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    Andrew jerked up from where he had been resting. His breathing was hard and he was sweating. He looked around and noticed he was in a cave, he saw Tom and Owen sitting next to a fire. He looked past the fire and saw the mouth of the cave. All he saw was snow. 'Why is it snowing? Where are we? All I remember last is a bright light.' he thought.

    "Ah, Kid is up." Owen said to Tom.

    "I think I have short-term memory loss cause I don't remember us deciding to go camping." said Andrew, scratching the back of his head in confusion. "Last thing I remember was us in space."

    "Well, your memory is fine. We didn't go camping." explained Tom.

    "So then where are we?" asked Kid. He walked closer to the fire that both Tom and Owen sat by. He looked at the small entrance of the cave. He saw some trees in the distance and he heard the wind howling.

    "Russia!" cheered  Owen.
    "We can't be in Russia." said Kid, "Wait, are we?"

    "Actually, he may not be wrong. I have no idea where we are and judging by the outside, it is on the table." said Tom.

    "So I am guessing the others are searching the crash?" asked Kid.

    Owen gave a look at Tom and Tom just shook his head. This went unnoticed by Kid.

    "What?" asked Kid, "What are you not telling me?"

    Owen looked away from Kid avoiding the question. Tom got up and walked to the mouth of the cave and sighed. He was trying to avoid Andrew in general. Something was haunting them and Andrew had a feeling it had to with the others.

    Owen poked the fire with a stick, sighed and looked up at Kid. "There was no crash, Kid. I woke up in the snow and..." He looked back at the fire not finishing his sentence.

    "And what?" Kid asked with some concern in his voice. "Where are the others?"

    "And that we called, we searched, we did everything we could but..." sighed Tom. He hit the cave wall in frustration.  "They are gone. I am sorry, Andrew. Owen woke up first and he said there was only you and me. No crash, no ship, no one else... just us."

    Andrew leaned against the cave in shock, holding his arms as if he was freezing. Though the feeling he felt wasn't because he was freezing. It was because all his friends, his brother were gone. Tom came over and sat next to him as Andrew started to cry. He put his arm around the 10 year old boy, to comfort him.
    Owen moved to the other side of Andrew. Through the tears Andrew saw Owen, he too was tearing up. Owen didn't try to comfort Andrew, he wasn't very good at social interactions. In fact he was even surprised he had friends. But now more than half of them are gone. 'No missing' thought Owen with a little optimism.

    "Kid, they aren't gone." stated Owen bluntly. "They are just... missing."

    "Owen, don't. Not now." commanded Tom, still holding Kid.

    "Think about it." continued Owen. "There was no crash. We couldn't even find the ship, Tommy. They could be very much alive. We just need to find them." He was now standing up with a determined look on his face. "And I will do everything in my power to find them."

    Suddenly the small cave began to shake. Dust started to fall from the ceiling and small pebbles on the ground started to vibrate. "What is going on?" asked Kid as he wiped the tears from his face.

    "I don't know." answered Tom. He too was standing up and had his arm above his head.

    "Look!" declared Owen. he was pointing to the entrance of the cave. The three walked closer to it and saw a herd of deer like creatures running past them.

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