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Kurapika's POV

I just need to grab her tag, that's all.

"Nice try," she choked, "You're not -gasp- gonna get it."

Within a split second, Y/N had swung her legs up and kicked you square in the chest. You released your grasp on her neck as you stumbled backwards, watching as she fell to the ground. Regaining your balance, you concentrated on the small girl in front of you. She was struggling, her eyes glazed over as she stood up. Her H/C locks waved across her face as she stared at you with empty eyes.

Something's off, she would've attacked me by now... What is going through her head?

All of a sudden, she burst into laughter.

Huh? What's so funny?

"Looks like I'm getting a good fight after all," she smiled, "I will be taking your tag."

"My tag? So I'm your target as well?"

"Bingo! Let's make this quick, ok?" she giggled.

God, she's such a dork. Almost makes me not want to fight her.

She quickly reached behind her head and unsheathed her katana.

How could I forget? She has a blade, there's no way I'll be able to beat her if she has that. I'll just have to get close enough to knock it away.

Still caught in a giddy state, the girl ran straight at you with no hesitation.

This is my chance, if she gets close enough I'll kick it out of her grasp.

The girl sprinted past you, running incredibly fast towards a tree. Your eyes followed her as she propelled herself off the trunk, swinging her blade towards you at full speed.

You jumped to the side, narrowly avoiding a nasty gash from her katana.

Time seemed to slow down in that moment, perhaps it was because you were 3 inches away from being sliced in half. In that moment, you noticed the craftsmanship on the nakago of her blade.

Those marks. There's no mistaking them.

Lost in confusion by your recent discovery, you jumped up onto a nearby tree.

"Hey what's this about? Are you just gonna hide up there?" she called out, "Don't be a loser, come down and fight me."

"Are you one of them?"

"Huh? One of who?" she asked, "What are you talking about?"


"Hey, what's that red glowing? Are you alright?"


He jumped off the tree branch, clearly lost in a mental haze.

Something isn't right... he looks a lot more dangerous than normal.

"Hey, uh, something's up with your eyes," you said while slowly stepping back, "We can stop if you aren't feeling well, just hand me your tag."

"Why would I surrender to someone like you? I swore revenge on all of you."

"Kurapika, what are you talking about? All of who?"

"Don't play dumb with me," he stared right at you.

His eyes... it feels like I'm being crushed just by looking at them.

"You're a member of the phantom troupe, the spider is engraved on your katana." he stepped closer, "I will kill every last one of you scum."

"The phantom troupe? Listen to me, I'm not a memb-"

"You're a traitor! That's what you are. You betrayed me."

"You aren't making any sense. I haven't betrayed you, I'm telling you I'm not-"

He charged at you. His eyes were glowing, filled with pure hatred and malice. He was showing more bloodlust than you'd ever seen before.

"I'll kill every last spider, starting with you," he yelled.

You dodged his punches, but made sure not to counter. Kurapika continued to throw himself at you to no avail.

"Stop avoiding my attacks! Fight me, you coward!, he screamed. His eyes began to tear up, still glowing a bright scarlet.

You juked again.


I can't fight back. He's not mentally here.

The taste of blood filled your mouth.

He got me.

Stunned, you stopped dodging.

More blood.

This isn't going to stop, is it? He's really trying to kill me... dear god.

"Kurapika, stop it." you cried.

He continued to fight.

Why? I'm not even trying to stop his attacks. I'm not fighting back.

"I said stop this. I'm not a spid-"

A punch to the gut.

I can't breath. This hurts. I could take the blows before, but my body can't hold up much longer.

"At this rate, If you don't fight back, you're going to die. Not that I have a problem with that, you traitor!"


He froze. You stood in front of him, covered in your own blood.

"You... aren't?" his voice was shaking.

His eyes faded back to their usual blue gray, but they remained clouded by tears.

He looked down at his hands, covered in blood. He looked back up at your face and stumbled backwards.

"This is... your blood?"

Dissociative amnesia. He became so consumed by rage that he can barely remember what just happened.

"I hurt you? I did, didn't I..." he slumped to his knees, still staring at his hands.

"Kurapika, listen to me. It was a misunder-"

"No, I understand. You aren't a member," he trembled, "You can take my tag, you should go."

You walked closer to him.

I don't understand him at all, but this obviously isn't his fault. Something must've happened for him to react like this.

You kneeled down in front of him. You reached to grab his hand in an attempt to calm him, but he immediately jerked it away.

"I said you should go," he sniffled, "I hurt you, don't try to help me."

I see.

You slowly got up, grabbed his tag, and left. As you walked away, Kurapika was still crumpled on the ground.


Kurapika and I, we are similar.

I don't think that's a good thing, but I've noticed it.

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