four o four

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Shit, did I oversleep? What time is it? 4:16 AM, I guess I've still got a little bit of time before we get to the next phase's location.

You swung your top half over the rail on the top bunk, peering down at a sleeping Ponzu. As you lifted yourself back up, you saw Hanzo deep in sleep as well. Gradually, your eyes made their way over to Kurapika's bunk, but his bed was perfectly made and he was nowhere to be seen.

Where would he be going this early? Is he trying to get a headstart or something... that sneaky bastard. I guess I've got some time, why not look for him?

You hopped off the top bunk and quickly jotted down a message onto a piece of paper you ripped out of your diary.

"Couldn't sleep, heading over to the meeting place a little bit early. See you there xo" the message read.

You slowly crept out of the room, being careful not to wake Ponzu or Hanzo. The lights flickered. The hallway was empty, except for a moth that had gotten trapped on the train.


You paused.

I'm not alone, there's someone else here.

"Hellooooooo" you called out, "Who's there? I know you're here."

No response.

You slowly reached for your back, placing a hand on the handle of your katana.

"Ok, ok, you caught me," a familiar voice said, "I thought you were an enemy at first, but then I realized it had to be you, you're the only one who can detect my presence."

A white haired boy with a grin peeked out from behind one of the many turns. Your eyes widened.

"How've you been, Y/N?"

You ran over to him, grasping him in a tight embrace. "Killua! How are you? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, but I can't breathe. Let go of me baka!" he choked.

You let go, "I'm sorry, I don't know what got into me there" you giggled, "I really have missed you though."

"Yeah, you're not the type to hug people... it's alright, I've missed you too, even though it's only been 2 days," he laughed, "I take it you figured it out?"

"Oh yeah, my group and I were talking about it, and we figured that the circumstances were way too weird. It didn't make any sense for them to kill us," you said, "How'd you figure it out?"

"Well, you know how they placed us in groups right? I got put in a room with that lump Leorio. His snoring was SO obnoxious that I left the room and just decided to walk around outside," Killua chuckled, "After 2 hours of walking around I still hadn't been attacked, so I figured it was all a rouse."

"Well I'm glad you figured it out," you smiled, " What about the others?"

"Leorio and Gon are fine. I slipped a message to Gon's room, but originally I wanted to keep it a secret from my group. Eventually I decided to tell Leorio, but only because he's Gon's friend, and... Gon is my friend."

Killua smiled.

It's been a long time since I've seen him this happy. It warms my heart, truely, but... I've never felt so jealous. Obviously I've always been a little bit envious of Killua, he's accepted by the family... Not that I need to be accepted by them or anything, but he's always been cared for by them. And now, he's got a friend too. Again, not that I want or need one, but I am a bit jealous.

You let out a sigh, "Well, I guess I'll see you there. Kurapika ran off somewhere without us so I'm looking for him."

"Kurapika? He's the blonde one right?" Killua asked, "Well, I hope you find him. I'm gonna head back to my room."

"Thanks, I'll see you in a few." you waved.


You roamed around the empty train for what felt like an eternity.

I give up. He's literally gone. I may as well just go to the meeting place... Jeez it's almost 5AM too, what a waste of time.


You reached the location that the examiner had said to meet at. There weren't as many people as you expected, far less in fact. You looked around the room. Gon, Killua, Leorio, and Kurapika were all sitting in the corner.

KURAPIKA? What the hell! He's been here the whole time? How could I be so stupid. I'm an idiot. I wasted all my time looking for him and he was just sitting here.

"Oi! Y/N," Leorio called, "We're over here!"

You walked over towards them. "I can see that. I'm not blind, dummy" you giggled.

"Hey Kurapika, why'd you just leave out of nowhere?" you asked him.

"Couldn't sleep"

"You could've left a note or something, I even went to go look for you"

"Why. You didn't need to do that."

"Oh... well I was a little bit worried I guess."

"You don't need to worry about me. We aren't friends."

He must've had a rough night... he smiled at me yesterday and now he's colder than I've ever seen him. Now that I think about it.. I saw a weird light coming from his bunk last night. Maybe it wasn't just my imagination.


"CONGRATULATIONS! You have all passed the first phase of the 287th Hunter Exam. Phase 2 begins at Zevil Island, and it will starts as soon as we exit the vehicle. You want to be hunters correct? Better get used to hunting, and being hunted."


"These announcements are always so creepy!" shuddered Gon.

"Right." Killua agreed, "But the last one turned out to be a trick, so maybe they're going to do-"

All of the sudden, a large pedestal rose up from the ground, with a small box on top.

"Please come up one at a time and draw a card from the box" a robotic voice said.

A wave of whispers traveled through the participants.

You stood up, and walked over to the box. 

What's the worst that could happen?

All eyes were on you.

"Please draw a card. Do not reveal its contents, this will be your target." the voice repeated.

You reached your hand into the box, and slowly pulled out a card with a number written on it.

The card read:


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what is your favorite anime of all time?

i'd say mine are Hunter x Hunter (duh) and FMAB. i'm a sucker for classics :3

whirlpool || kurapika x readerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя