a sort of family

788 23 32

DARE ~ gorillaz

[A/N] no lyrics for this song, i just think the funky beat oddly matches with this group

"Master Y/N..."

Another swing

"Master Y/N."


"Master Y/N!"

A swift chop to the neck. That should do it.

"What is it, Canary?" you asked, rolling your eyes out of annoyance. "Also, stop addressing me as 'Master', it's weird. We're friends."

You wiped your lip. Blood mixed with lip gloss, quite an odd combination.

"Another thing, I told you to stop following me," you added.

"And I told you to stop getting in petty street fights," Canary quipped back, "But it seems like my attempts at hindering your violence haven't worked," she added while dragging you by the arm.

"I told you already, they're not just street fights," you groaned, "I may not be a professional, but I'm still a licensed Hunter, which means people ask me to do their dirty work for them."

"I don't really care what people ask you to do, you need to be focusing on training," she said, still pulling you by the wrist.

Canary continued to drag you towards the damp alleyway. The two of you reached the flickering LED bar sign, the marker of where you had spent the last 3 months.


"Another fight? Are you serious Y/N? I don't know how you do it... so exhausting," a girl with bunny ears said as you entered.

The room wasn't too big, but it wasn't cramped. One side of the room had a bar with stools lining it all the way down, and the other had a few tables scattered about, in between the two there was a staircase leading to some rooms. It was dimly light, with a musky aroma tinted with the scent of vanilla rum. Aside from the few strangers that occasionally stopped by, it was just the 5 of you.

"Pyon, you're literally a Zodiac... How is this unusual for you?" you asked, plopping down on a bar stool near the girl.

"Um, I'm a paleograph Hunter, mind you. Fighting isn't really my thing." she responded.

"Unless it involves your phone, then nothing is 'your thing', Pyon," another voice called from up the stairs, "Besides," the voice shouted again, "I think Y/N is doing perfectly fine, but I would say that someone needs to do a better job training her."

"That isn't a very polite thing to say, Bisky," that someone responded, emerging from the shadows, "I'm doing a fantastic job training Y/N!"

"Encouraging petty fights isn't exactly 'doing a fantastic job', Hisoka," Bisky said, coming down the stairs with a large box in hand.

As Canary rushed over to give her a hand, you looked at the odd mix around you.

A clown, a bunny girl, a 57 year old who looks 12, and your ex-butler. What an odd group of people.

In a weird way, these people were like a family to you. Incredibly dysfunctional, but still a family. After having trained with Hisoka for the past few months, you had become closer to these people than you ever were to your biological relatives.

You watched as Bisky set the package down onto the countertop in front of you.

"Y/N?" she asked, waving her hand in front of your face, "Whatcha starin' at?"

"Oh I'm sorry, I spaced out. Honestly I don't think I'll ever get over how it looks like a 12 year old girl is running a bar," you said.

"Oh yeah, sometimes I forget I look so young. It doesn't really matter though, most of the people who come in here are Pro-Hunters. Not to brag, but I'm pretty well known among the association, so everyone knows I'm not quite as young as I look."

"Not quite as young? Dear, you're a whole millenia older than you look." Hisoka jabbed.

"You are so lucky I'm letting you stay here, you're a pain in the ass, you know that? No wonder you don't have a partner..." Bisky responded.

"You aren't letting me stay here, you owed me," he said with a devilish grin, "and why would I need a partner when I've got my own harem right here," he teased. 

"It was my mistake ever making a bet with you..." Bisky sighed, "I should've known, you can't beat a swindler. Anyways, this package is for Y/N and Canary, it's signed Killua."

"It's good to know he still thinks of me," Canary said smiling to herself, "If you don't mind, Y/N, I might go ahead and open it while you're training."

"Go ahead!" you smiled, "I'll take a look when I get back. Hisoka and I better get going."

"We'll be here when you get back, I can't wait to see your Nen!" Bisky waved as you and Hisoka exited.


"Are you ever going to explain why you're teaching me Nen?" you asked as the two of you made your way towards an abandoned building.

"There are some things better left unsaid," he smiled.

Good enough explanation I guess. He's a fairly good teacher so I suppose that's all that matters.

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