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"I'm getting married soon

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"I'm getting married soon. Will you be there when I do?"

"... Now, why would you want me there?"

"Because you're my friend."

"Who said that? When were we ever?"

"Since the beginning. Why are you acting so cold to me?"

"If anyone is cold, it's you, Jax. You only stuck around because of my last name but when you found I wasn't an illegitimate child, you started to act strange."

"That... That's not true!"

"Just go live your perfect life with your soon to be wife and stop talking to me. This so-called friendship was never a thing."

"I heard that you aren't friends with little Jax anymore

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"I heard that you aren't friends with little Jax anymore. What happened? Did he drop you like a bag of rocks~"

"It's the other way around and we weren't friends from the start. So mind your business Vil."

"Aww, don't like that~ Why don't you call me brother anymore?"

"The day I found that you got off on that shit, was the day I stopped, you fuckin pervert.
What would your mother think if she knew you had a disgusting fetish?"

"Pft-Ahahahaha as if she'd believe the bastard of the house. Cute that you tried to threaten me, M/n. For as long as you live, you'll be a toy to me and there's no escape."

The night air surrounds him, the rain is his only company, and his room cold

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The night air surrounds him, the rain is his only company, and his room cold.
"Man, why can't I catch a break? Why is everyone around me such dicks?"He sat on the bay window watching the drops fall to the ground below and just past the rain on his window, the Draconia castle.
"I swear in this world we still stick to such a royal system...I wonder what it's like to be sitting pretty at the top of the food chain or what it feels like to fly."

"I'm sure it's fun young master."M/n turns to look at his loyal butler, the only one who has been with his since the beginning.

"Grim, where have you been?"The young butler shrugged his shoulders before turning into a cute little cat and snuggling onto his master's lap

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"Grim, where have you been?"The young butler shrugged his shoulders before turning into a cute little cat and snuggling onto his master's lap.
"It's almost midnight."

"Aw, the birthday of a bastard! So sad that I share a birthday with such a royal figure!"

"Hey, stop being dramatic. You're going to be eighteen. You'll have more freedom-"M/n scoffs while petting Grim's soft fur causing him to purr. He didn't care that his birthday was coming in just a few minutes, it's not like anyone would care or that he'd be lucky enough to have a mate.

Grim jumps from M/n's lap, turning into his human form and this time he's holding a box.
"Happy birthday young master. Please remember that Wherever you go, I won't be far to follow."

"Thank you...Uhh, what's in the box?"Grim happily opens the box, and inside was M/n's favorite fruit tart and favorite cake. Before he could reach for the box his body was thrown into pain, forcing him to the marble flooring.


"It-It burns!"Grim placed the box down and kneeled down next to his master when he did the smell of a dragon caused his tail to puff and his eyes to dilate.
"Gah, what-what the hell was that?"

"Your shoulder is bleeding! Come with me to the bathroom."Grim didn't give M/n a chance to think and whisked him away into the bathroom and grabbed the firsts aid kit and has his master remove his shirt.
"I didn't fall into anything, so why am I bleeding?"

"I think it's-OH MY GRAND FAIRY!!!"Grim screamed and dropped the kit, the sound of the kit hitting the floor fell on deaf ears as Grim stares at the emblem on his master's collar bone; A dragon burned onto his skin.

"Your... Your mate is the crown prince himself!!"

 Your mate is the crown prince himself!!"

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Dragon's mate 『 Malleus Draconia x Male!reader 』Where stories live. Discover now