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Thanks to Aurora's foolishness, news spread fast about her true colors via Maleficent hosting a large tea party. If the kingdom didn't already hate how Malleus's mate was treated in the past, they do now. With all the heat and attention Aurora received, it was clear that she could never show her face in the capital ever again in her life. Though it was for the best, it did take its toll on M/n; who was currently lying in bed with a somber expression.
"M/n? My love are you alright?"

"Just a tab...At first, I was ready to face her but now I see what Lili was trying to say. It's different when you're in front of the person."

"He was right, anyway, it's over now. I also brought some sweets that Jax's wife made. She's the owner of the Café that you and Lilia wanted to visit; Sweetie."Malleus sat down next to M/n while placing the box of treats on the nightstand. The dragon-fairy didn't enjoy seeing his mate so sad, he couldn't figure out what he needed to do to make M/n feel better.
"M/n is there anything you want?"

"Could you lie down with me?"All M/n could do was blush, he didn't want to seem selfish by taking away from Malleus's time even though he knew Malleus would drop everything for him in a heartbeat.
"Of course! I've been waiting for a chance to sleep next to you again. I still remember when you sang to me while I slept. Could I possibly sing for you? Even if it's just a little bit?"Malleus asked as he drops onto the bed laying above the covers.
"I would love to hear the mighty Dragon sing~"Malleus smiles then placed a kiss onto M/n's forehead.
"All you ever get from the sonnet is the count of the fallen man
Every calling cost made to your heart
You were in the kind of game that put the force in me~
I was ever chasing fireflies,
Sometimes I follow a firefly,
He takes me into the night
Baby, I just survive, I'm love drunk
I'm sorry, am I losing you?~"
M/n was enchanted by the smooth sound of Malleus's voice and soon as he stops singing, he fell asleep snuggled into Malleus's chest; without a care in the world. This was a side of M/n that Malleus wanted to see more.

Malleus thought it would be a good idea to nap as well but a knock on the door shook Malleus from his haze.
"Who is it?"


"Enter."Lilia quickly walks into the room and closes the door behind him; quietly that is. Lilia couldn't help but immediately gush over the two lying in bed together.
"I wanted to speak with M/n but it looks like he is fast asleep!! But I'll show you!" At that right moment is when Malleus noticed that Lilia was hiding something in his coat.
"Why do I have an odd feeling about this?"

"Oh hush! It's something M/n has been looky for since after we become friends! Ta-da!"Lilia moves his coat to the said and out jumps a rare pet among royals, few nobles, and rarely aristocrats.

"Oh hush! It's something M/n has been looky for since after we become friends! Ta-da!"Lilia moves his coat to the said and out jumps a rare pet among royals, few nobles, and rarely aristocrats

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"A fairy fox?"

"Yep! I searched high and low for one and then I stumbled across a strange fluff of dirty fur, took him to the vet to get cleared, and surprise, he's a Fairy fox! Honestly who knew I would get that lucky?!" The fairy fox was smaller than an adult cat and harbors luxurious long hair and shockingly Magenta hues that match M/n's in shine.
"Well I'll be damned, it must have been looking for M/n. I've heard that they seek out their eye color partner."

"Hey, I didn't notice that till now. Guess I just helped him out!"The two watch as the fairy fox lightly walks across M/n's said until he reaches the sleeping male's face just to sniff it.

"Uhh, what did he say?"

"Not the slightest idea."The two continue to watch the Fox until he pokes M/n's cheek, that's when Malleus grabs the little one by the scruff of his neck and pulled him away.
"Now I won't have you waking him up just yet. You'll have enough time to play with him then-"

"Mal who are you-"As M/n shifts from Malleus's chest the little Fox fairy wiggles out of the hands of the Dragon so he could nuzzle his forever owner.

"And he's awake to play."Both Malleus and Lilia chuckle as they watch M/n snuggle his new friend.

"Both Malleus and Lilia chuckle as they watch M/n snuggle his new friend

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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Dragon's mate 『 Malleus Draconia x Male!reader 』Where stories live. Discover now