Chapter One

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Echo's Pov
Sometimes a voice away is a voice being saved and sometimes if you listen closely to that voice you can set a very willing spirit free. I hear voices all the time and I see things that not people could really understand.

Some people couldn't see what I saw but all the better I didn't wanna people seeing me ten times more strange then I always was. I really couldn't control that I could see ghosts and the spirits that didn't pass on in our planet.

The day started out semi-normal I ran around the city running errands for my mom, helping out a few of the orphaned kids and whatnot when I was being tugged on my shirt by two certain kids I always played with.

"Echo!" I cracked a gentle smile kneeling down to Denzel and Marlene's heights "Well hey you two, how have you guys been?" I questioned getting thrown into a large hug by the young growing boy I hugged him tightly squeezing him tightly.

"Tifa said she needed your help down by the bar." Marlene grinned her toothy grin at me her big wide eyes staring at me while she grabbed my hand to tug me along while I held Denzel on my hip he may have been ten but he sure was small for his age.

"Woah Woah alright I'm coming. " I laughed quietly, trying my very best to keep my balance while Denzel was rambling on and on to me while he played with my hair while Marlene still tugged on my hand. It was a short stopped before Marlene was opening the doors to the bar and I set Denzel down letting the two rush in.

I brushed off my clothes and jeans entering the bar seeing Tifa was behind the bar cleaning some glasses, the rest of her friend nowhere in sight. It was strange not seeing Cid, Yuffie even Barrett or Vincent, and what's that one guy's name.

I blinked seeing Tifa looked up flashing me a grin her eyes sparkling.  "Well, there you are Echo I've been wondering why I haven't seen you these past days." She cocked an eyebrow at me setting the glasses down propping her hands on her hips.

"Oh, you know me... Working." I trailed off rubbing at my arms through the long sleeves. "Well I'm glad you are keeping yourself busy, in fact, I have a delivery for you, your mom ordered it. Cloud should be bringing it." She giggled handing Denzel and Marlene a few pieces of candy when the two rushed over.

I moved towards one of the tables finding it best to wait fiddling with my fingers gently Biggs and Jessie's spirits finally moved on they use to always be around the bar.

Still fiddling with my fingers I watched the bar doors open and the two very hyper kids shouted out.

"Cloud!" I held my breath a bit watching the very spiky blonde hair male enter carrying a box, but I didn't have much time to study him because I was watching the two see-through figures following behind him, only I could really see them.

One was a female and the other a male, and I could make out every single detail of them.

"Look at that, he is still all depressed Aerith you said  he would be better." The male figure grumbled moving to stand across a wall his foot propped up on the wall.

"I said it would put him at ease Zack there is a very big difference you goof."

My eyes were wide and I held my breath before a loud squeak left me and I stumbled out of my chair fast when their aura and energy shot through me. All eyes were on me, alive and not living.

"Echo? Oh my, are you alright." I tried to pry my eyes away from the two ghost figures seeing they both were looking at me in shock "Aerith... I think she can see us."

"She very much can Zack." I felt hands gently shaking at my arms and I looked away my heart beating seeing Tifa had moved from the counter and was shaking me.

"Oh, you are freezing! Don't worry Echo, Cloud isn't scary he just umm looks scary." Tifa exclaimed looking at me concerned. I was surprised never in my life had I seen Cloud, his own icy blue eyes were heading at me in confusion, a thin line across his face and features.

He had two spirits following after him and he  didn't even know "Yeah Echo, Cloud isn't scary he just looks like a Chocobo butt." Denzel laughed out making Cloud shoot him a small glare.

I heard loud laughter from one of the ghosts and it was just very overwhelming to me. "I'm so sorry Tifa I'm not feeling too well I will see later." I stammered giving her arms a squeeze.

I quickly brushed past Cloud rushing out of seventh heaven holding my forward the intensity of the spirits I knew they would follow me at some point.

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