lvii. Percy Learns to Not Bet Against Kira

Start from the beginning

"Gotta take that call. Catch you guys before you take off?" They agreed, and Kira made her way to Clarisse.

She breathed in a great amount of air on her way, getting a brief moment to herself. She rubbed her eyes harshly. She was constantly overwhelmed by her friends trying to help, or campers asking about the quest.

Clarisse regarded her with guarded eyes, but Kira knew better. She could see her love and caring interior underneath her hard exterior.

She had grown close to the girl. When the Ares cabin had realized what had happened, Clarisse was the one to comfort her, and tell her about a girl named Silena Beaurgard.

"What's up, Clarisse?" Kira asked, trying to sound upbeat. Her finger fiddled with Leo's necklace.

"I'm going to college, along with some other demigods." That wasn't new news, but it wasn't what she wanted to hear, that more people were leaving her.

"That's great. I'm happy for you."

"Which means," Clarisse glared at her. "I need to give up my position as the Ares head counselor. Someone I can trust."

Kira blinked. "Who?" Why was she telling her this?

Clarisse groaned. "It's you, pipsqueak! you're the new cabin counselor. Good luck!"

Kira was stunned, and then overwhelmed all over again. Clarisse meant well, and the title was nice, but it only put more responsibilities on her shoulder.

"Thanks, Clarisse," She managed. Clarisse just clapped her on the back, looking for a new opponent.

Kira breathed out in relief as she was alone again. She made her way to the beach, where she found herself spending a lot of time.

She pushed her memories of Leo back, but it only worked for a few seconds.

It was exhausting, throwing a mask on her emotions constantly. But crying in front of her friends? She'd rather be eaten by a cyclops.

Tears pricked at her eyes, and she wrapped her hands around Leo's sweatshirt tightly, trying to find a sense of comfort.

Without realizing it, she had leaned her head to the side, as if she was going to put her head on someone's shoulder.

She immediately sat upright, trying not to think of him, but her mind had other plans.

She stood beside him and Festus, about to take off for their quest.

"You ready, partner?" Leo asked, his normal accent was replaced with Jason's, mocking him with an exaggerated deep voice.

"Always with you, partner," She responded with a warm smile.

She saw the beach she was sitting at.

"You control who you are, not your parents, hermosa," He told her. Kira only sighed.

"Leo, I can't. I can't be a daughter of a war god and be peaceful," She told him, watching the soft waves hit the shore.

"You've done it this far," Leo pointed out.

They sat at King Midas couch.

Leo was telling her about his mother, and how he thought everything was his fault.

"Oh, Le," She said sadly, her eyes full of compassion and sympathy. She sat next to him on the couch, giving him a tight hug. Leo hugged back, tears falling down his perfect face.

He held her like she was going disappear if he didn't hold on tight.

They stayed like that for hours, just soundlessly comforting each other until the sun broke through the horizon.

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