Chapter 1: Finding Sacred Grounds

Start from the beginning

Within the armored vehicle, four young men in their late teens to early twenties sat in the cabin; The oldest of the four behind the wheel of the vehicle while the young man beside him, a young boy dressed in purple and black clothing that revealed his lean physique with a dirty blond colored hair and blue eyes, discussed their mission with the other two sitting behind them with a slick, carefree tone.


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[Zeke Pennywort]
[Age: 17 years]
[ID#: PW-01429]
[Authorized Ash Density Level: 3]

[Boost Hammer // Shotgun // Tower Shield]

[One of the original Hounds of the Chrysanthemum // Former AGE of Port Pennywort]


Zeke: I understand that Ein is missing a few AGEs and that we were sent to find them, but eeehhh.... why exactly is our only lead in the middle of a desert?

The man behind the wheel, dawning black and orange get up consisting of a large collar jacket, skin tight t-shirt, and jeans, shrugged in response as he answered with a mature tone.


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[Hugo Pennywort
[Age: 20 years]
[ID#: PW-01407]

[Authorized Ash Density Level: 3]

[Long Blade // Shotgun // Shield]

[Leader of the Hounds of the Chrysanthemum // Former AGE of Port Pennywort]

Hugo: Good question. I'd like to know that, myself. What exactly was the Dusty Miller's ashcrawler doing all the way out here...?

It was then that the youngest of the four, a young man dawning an aqua blue high collar jacket, jeans, and electrical tape across his chest, spoke up as he peeked out in between the two of them.

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