16. I will crash this plane

Começar do início

She nodded. "Yeah."

"I know, it's a lot to take in but...." I looked at the plane. "You have to be there for Clayton."

"Allison, what's wrong?"

"My son may seem like he's a happy, strong person. But I can always see through it. He's hurting." I looked at her. "Now that he found you, your the only thing he is willing to protect."

"What about his family?"

I laughed. "I'm his mother he knows I'm scary but you. Your human, he's more over protective then he usually is."

She nodded. "He's very nice."

"Of course. I raised him." I laughed. But then I looked at her seriously. "You break his heart....im gonna break your face though."

Her eyes widened. "Yes."

I smiled. "Good. We understand each other."

I held my hand out for her. "We should be arriving in a few minutes. Let's get back to the plane."

She grabbed my hand and I teleported us to the plane. I let go and she wobbled a little. I looked at Clayton who looked a though he was freaking out.


I looked at him and slapped the back of his head. "Why don't you trust me?"

"You pushed my mate out of a plane."

I smirked. "Want me to push you out the plane?"

He looked to see if I was joking but he walked around me and walked to Andrea.

I looked out the window. "Damn you Levi. When you wake up...im gonna kill you."

'Why kill me'

My eyes went wide. 'You're awake?'

'I was knocked out Allison, I wasn't in a coma smart one.'

I glared looking out the window. I closed my eyes and focused on the one place I wanted to go. I was being sucked into a black hole and when I opened my eyes I looked at Levi in the face. "Want me to put you in a coma."

He smirked. "Then I wouldn't be able to do this. "

He kissed me and I kissed him back. I pulled away and breathed out. "I hate you sometimes."

"Why didn't you just teleport everyone here?"

"Do you know how hard that would be. I mean me and Jesse could do it, and Clayton needs practice. he could have put us in the middle of the ocean."

He patted my head. "Nice you have confidence in our son."

I looked to see that we were standing on the porch of the pack house. I looked at the sky and smiled. "Clayton is strong but needs guidance."

Jason walked out the house and stood next to me. "I think he'll be fine."

Both Levi and Jason spoke at the same time. "He's like his father. You just have to believe in him."

I smiled. "I know."


Clayton's P.O.V

As the plane landed I saw mom standing outside. I breathed out. Good she was ok. She just disappeared and didn't say anything for a while. The plane stopped and I opened the door. "Could have warned me mom. Instead of disappearing."

She put her hand on her chest. "You were worried about your mommy."

I glared at her. "Sure why not."

The Angel's sonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora