Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

Ahsoka POV:

I wake up and see the time, 9:30. Today's the day. To meet Anakin's friends. I'm not just scared but also nervous.

Meeting people is not my specialty.

But I get out of bed and check on Ruby. She's still asleep. I walk downstairs and get her milk ready before she wakes up.

I hear her cry and I go upstairs, ready to feed her. I pick her up and she stops crying a bit. I start feeding her and she finishes the bottle a while later.

I take her downstairs with me and snuggle her in blankets. Her eyes flutter shut.

I start thinking about the day I have planned. I'm nervous. My friends will be there and that makes me feel better. But Anakin gives me a sense of comfort. I know he shouldn't but something about him makes me want to know him.

When he came over last time he told me about how he lost his arm.

"I was young but I remember most of it," he began. "My mother and I...were slaves. Long story short, we ended up being owned by Watto. He was a Toydarian. I worked in his shop a lot and worked a lot on speeders. Because I am good at fixing things, of course," he said with a bit of pride.

"Well, one day someone left a speeder for me to fix and Watto had told me he had everything set up for me to start fixing it. I started working on it and notice the engine was pretty messed up. There were a lot of needles, just in general sharp and spikey things underneath. So when I put my arm under it, it fell on top of it."

"It's mostly a blur of what happened next. My arm was bleeding badly. I screamed and Watto came in about five minutes after. I passed out and when I awoke, I was home. I didn't feel anything on my arm so I thought it was fine. But I saw the fake arm. I thought it was cool, well I still do, but sometimes I wish I did have my other arm."

Anakin told me something but I didn't. I don't think he was expecting me to tell him something from my childhood anyway. He knows I'm not a straightforward person. There's nothing much to tell him about it anyway. My childhood was cut short for me. I'm not complaining though. My youth might have not been the best, but I will do anything for Ruby's to be.

A happily ever after obviously isn't intended for me. I will always have to look over my shoulder. I won't rest. I will do everything in my power to keep my mother and Ruby safe. I have failed before and it broke me, but I won't fail with the only two people I love the most. I don't know what I would do without them.

I hear a knock on the door and I think it's my mom. She's come to take care of Ruby while I go meet Anakin's friends. Suddenly I'm thinking maybe I should not go. But the thought is pushed out of my mind because my mother won't allow it no matter what circumstance.

I go and open the door and see her smile. She looks tired---you would think she's ill. My mother was never overweight but she wasn't this skinny. Her face is thin and I feel guilty for asking her to care of Ruby while I go on this stupid meeting thing. Nonetheless, when her arms open I don't hesitate to accept.

We pull away and I let her in. I don't want her to be overworked. She's already done enough. So I speak what I think, "Maybe I shouldn't go, mom. You can rest and---" I don't finish because she cuts me off.

"There is no discussion. You go and I will take care of Ruby." She goes over to her. "And I can't say no to this adorable baby!" she adds. It isn't a reassuring answer but there's nothing I will say or do to make her change her mind.

She kisses Ruby's cheek and she stirs a bit. When she's done, she looks at me. She looks me up and down and I know what she's thinking by the look on her face. I'm still in my usual sleeping clothes. A t-shirt and some sweats. Nothing special.

"Why haven't you gotten dressed? Never mind that just go!" she says. I go upstairs without objection. I get in the shower and feel less tense when the warm water makes contact with my bare skin. When finished, I slip my robe on and look at my closet for ten minutes. I don't know what to wear. I don't even know what we're going to be doing. I know meeting them but after that, what?

In the end, I chose a black shirt with light blue denim jeans paired with white shoes. I go back downstairs with mom and Ruby and find my mother in the kitchen. She looks up at me and smiles. "I love it," she says. 

"You do?" I spin just for fun and she laughs. "I do."

"You're leaving at twelve, correct?" she asks.

 "Yeah, Anakin's picking me up." I don't realize what I just said until I see my mother's face. She looks surprised but mostly confused.

"Anakin?" she asks. When I told my mom I needed her to watch Ruby for me, I just said I was going out with Padme and Aayla. I didn't say anything about Anakin. Not his friends, because I have yet to meet them. So this is news for her.

"Yes, he's Padme's brother." I also didn't mention that too. And the fact that he was the mysterious man that had helped me when I couldn't help myself, but it can wait.

"Well, I guess I'll be meeting him today." Before I can say that she has met him, there's a knock. I can see my mom glance my way but I don't meet her eye.

I go to open the door but my mom reacts faster than I can. I roll my eyes and move out of the way before she pushes me. I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest. She opens the door and her shock is evident on her face.

"You're Anakin!" she says. Anakin glances at me but I keep my face neutral. My mother has put the puzzles together. She remembers him. He helped her at the store.

"I am," he replies. Mom smiles softly at him before letting him in and closing the door. "I should have gotten your name, my apologies. My name is Shaak Ti." Mom looks over at me. "And it seems you already know my daughter."

At this, Anakin grins. "Oh, I do know her." This comment makes butterflies erupt in my stomach but I control them.

Since I didn't tell her much, mom asks, "Where are you taking her?" I suddenly take interest in the conversation. As I said before, I don't know what happens after we met them. Will we just say our hellos and then leave, that's unlikely.

"She's meeting my friends. They're coming back from Tatooine today." His answer doesn't give me anything besides what I already know.

"Interesting," my mother says. I decide that I want to leave already so I say, "We should get going." Anakin looks at me and nods. "I agree."

I walk to my mom and kiss her cheek. I lean in and whisper, "Call me if you need me to come over." She nods and kisses my forehead. I go over to Ruby and kiss her soft cheek. She's still asleep. Once I'm done bidding my goodbyes, Anakin and I are almost out of the door, but then I remember something.

"Wait!" Anakin raises an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"I need to get something," I don't wait for an answer. I sprint up the stairs and grab the necklace. I don't wear it, so instead, I put it in my back jean pocket.

I walk back down and Anakin says, "Goodbye, Mrs. Ti!"

We walk out and I get on his speeder. When he gets on he smiles and I can't help but smile back. "Ready?" No, but that's not what I say.



☆ Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Also, thank you for all the votes💞!


~ <3 ☆


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