Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

Ahsoka POV:

I keep walking to my speeder but I feel his gaze on me.

When I'm about to get on, he grabs my wrist and twirls me around to face him. I land on his chest and I look up at him. Those familiar eyes look down at me.

I blink and then push myself out of his grasp.

"What was that for?" I ask with a frown.

He has the audacity to smirk. "Just wanted to talk."

"You could have just called my name," I say, rubbing my arms.

"Something tells me you wouldn't have answered if I had called your name." Okay, he got me there.

I roll my eyes before crossing my arms. "Whatever, what did you want to talk about?"

His playfulness leaves his face and I almost miss it, it's replaced with a serious expression.

"You were her."

It's not a question but a statement.

He remembered.

-2 weeks earlier-

I walk around the isles in the store.

A cute outfit catches my attention. I walk over and pick it. It's adorable.

I look for more outfits, even though I already have a lot of clothes, but what's one more?

I'm about to reach out and grab another when a cramp erupts in my stomach.

I grunt but I don't worry because it's usual.

But then it gets worse.

The next thing I know, I'm taking deep breathes and I feel dizzy.

I hear a splash and then I feel water trickling down my leg.

No. No! Not right now!

But it is happening right now.

I take deep breathes, trying to control myself when out of the corner of my eye, I see someone running to me.

I feel lightheaded and I just want to sleep.

I fall and I fall into a pair of arms.

His lips are moving but I'm not listening.

The contraction is getting worse and I'm so tired.

He looks down at me with dazzling gorgeous blue eyes.

I look into them and then he holds onto my hand.

"Squeeze it if you need to," he whispers to me. I want to respond or at least nod but I'm too tired.

The contraction comes harder and I squeeze his hand hard. I close my eyes shut and then I hear sirens.

A few minutes later I'm being taken away and I catch a glimpse of him.

He looks worried.

I feel cold without his comforting arms but I feel too weak to protest.


I look down. I feel embarrassed.

He grabs my chin, making me look up at him. I should remove his hands from me, but, like before, I can't. I find it comforting.

"You were her," he says again.

"Yes," I whisper and you can't almost hear it. Unless, of course, your face-to-face with me.

He cups my face and his gloved arm feels rough. His flesh thumb rubs my face.

I shouldn't be doing this but I can't bring myself to pull away. His touch brings me comfort and I feel myself melt into him.

It feels so right, but, yet, it's so wrong.

His blue eyes bore into my own and butterflies erupt in my stomach.

A cold breeze makes me shiver and also back to my senses. Get it together Tano! You barely met the guy!

I pull away from Anakin and his hands drop to his sides.

I clear my throat. "Is that all?"

He scans my face and I feel nervous.

"No," he says.

My eyes widen. "No?"

He takes a step forward and I take a step back. "Are you okay?"

"Huh? What..what?" What?

"Are you okay?" Another step forward.

I take a step back. "Obviously," I answer too fast.

Another step. "Doesn't seem obvious."

I take another step back and I feel my speeder. He better not take a step forward.

He doesn't.

I let out a breath.

"I'm fine," I say. Why is he asking this?

He doesn't seem to believe me but he doesn't ask about how I am. He asks about Ruby.

"The baby?" My eyes widen.

"F...Fine," I stutter. "Are we done here?"

"Only if you want it to be," he answers simply.

"Then, yes," I answer quickly. "Goodbye."

I turn around and I'm about to get on when he pulls my hand.

His gloved arm holds onto my left hand, and he surprises me when he lifts it to his lips.

His soft lips kiss my hand and I just stand there shocked.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, again, Ahsoka," he says before getting on his speeder and driving off, but not before flashing me an adorable smile.

I stand there and then look at the hand he just kissed.

I blink. Again. Again.

Then I remember I'm at Padme's and I need to go home.

I get on my speeder and drive off.


☆ Lil short chapter today thanks for reading, hope y'all enjoyed it!! I'll post soon!


~ <3 ☆


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