Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

Ahsoka POV:

I get up with a sigh. I walk downstairs but then begin to wonder who would come?

I walk to the door and when I open the door, I can't say I'm surprised.

"Couldn't stay away, could you?" I ask him.

Anakin grins. "Nope."

I roll my eyes playfully and then open the door wider for him to come in.

When he enters, I close the door and face him.

"What brings you here?" I ask him. Why is he here? I was surprised the first time he came here, he was with Padme. And the other time when he helped my mother. But this time he's alone.

"Just to talk," he answers simply as if we've known each other for a while.

But I simply nod and then go over and sit around the island, he does the same.

"Talk," I say bluntly because he woke me up from my nap. I was sleeping well like a baby.

"You're snippy," he says suddenly.

"Oh?" I ask raising an eye mark.

He chuckles. "It's not a compliment."

My eyes widen. Who does he think he is?

He grins and there's a gleam of playfulness in his eyes. "I was joking."

Right. Of course. I roll my eyes before speaking. "So, you wanted to talk."

Anakin nods. "I wanted to ask you a question."

I raise an eye mark. This is not what I expected. But I motion for him to ask.

"Padme has an idea," he starts saying. "She thought about us going on a vacation. In two weeks. She wanted to ask you but, she said she was busy and asked me to. So, I'm here to ask you if you would want to join us."

Me? I can't. Not now. Not when Ruby needs me. I need to be here for her. Mom wouldn't agree with me going. I can't leave Alderaan. Also, something else makes me confused. Padme asked Anakin to ask me because she was...busy? That doesn't sound right.

Anakin notices my hesitation and his small falters.

"Who's us?" I ask him instead.

"Padme and your friend Aayla. Also my friends Rex and Obi-Wan. Me and if you want to join," he answers.

Of course. His friends. I agreed to meet them and they're going on this trip.

"If you don't want to go Ahsoka, I won't force you to. It's your decision." His eyes look into mine and I can the sincerity in them. I can also see how gorgeous they are. Pretty blue eyes.

"Can I have time to think about it?" I ask and look down fidgeting with my fingers.

"Of course," he answers. I nod slowly. 

We stay quiet and Anakin seems to notice my mood switch, so he changes the subject, which I'm grateful for.

"What's your favorite color?" he asks me making me look up.

He catches me off guard but I answer anyway. "Blue, you?"

He grins. "Red."

"Where is Padme planning on taking y'all?" I ask out of curiosity. 

Anakin shrugs. "I don't know, she told me it was a secret."

I smile. That sounds like her. "Classic Padme. She loves surprises."

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