His Good Night Text To You

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Matt: "Of course it's like 4am and I haven't slept yet and it's all your fault. If I wasn't thinking about how beautiful and amazing you are maybe I'd be sleeping. Lol I mean I guess I just wanted to say you're the best and good night."

Carter: "Heyyyy, spending today with you was awesome and I want to do that everyday ok? Good night!"

Jack J: "It was a long day today without you. You were on my mind which means we need to hang out soon! Good night and sweet dreams!"

Jack G: "My princess, I wanted to call you because I wanted your voice to be the last thing I hear, but I didn't want to wake you because I know you're probably sleeping right now. But I wanted to say good night and I hope your dreaming about me!

Nash: "(Y/N)! PLEASE WAKE UP! I WANT YOU TO READ THIS SO I CAN TELL YOU GOOD NIGHT! Alright, well I see that your sleeping so I'll let you rest so GOOD NIGHT AND I'LL CALL YOU IN THE MORNING!"

Cameron: "I know your wondering where I am right now but I'm driving home right and I'll be there in like 30 minutes. I'm sorry I'm running late but I wanted to tell good night in case you fall asleep before I get there."

Shawn: "Babe, my show tonight was awesome and I wish you could've been here to see it because at the end all the fans wanted an encore! I miss you so much and can't wait to see you. Good night (Y/N)."

Aaron: "I know I said this already but I you're the best girlfriend in the world! Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!

Hayes: "Today Sky asked when she could see you again and I told her tomorrow and she screamed her head off! I guess she just as excited as I am lol good night baby.

Taylor: "Hey boo, I know it's late but I didn't forget about you and I wanted to say good night before I fall asleep. Sleep well and I'll be home tomorrow!"

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