Imagine #10

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ddmahonerushawn, this ones for you!

I know what you did last summer was one of your favorite songs that cane out this year. It was so amazing and had an amazing beat. Even though Shawn already knows the song you play it eveytime you two are in the car. Today there was a few errands you and Shawn had to run so you had to play your playlist that started with Shawn and Camila's song.

"I, hate..." You started singing.

You pulled into the Taco Bell and you had the windows down so everyone could hear you blasting the song. Four girls were walking out and saw Shawn and you singing the song together and they started screaming their heads off. They ran to your car with their phones and you and Shawn looked at each other and got out to start dancing with the fans. You all were snapchatting and they were tweeting about how much fun they were having and then you guys left.

"Hey that was awesome!" Shawn said so enthusiastically.

"Yeah they looked so happy and excited. That one girl even cried when she aw you!" You replied.

"Hey Val?" He questioned.

"Yeah?" You questioned. You looked over at Shawn and he had his head down. "Baby, what's wrong?"

"I just wanna thank you for being so cool with my fans chasing me around and stuff you know. I just see so many couples get messed up because one of them can't take everything fame has to offer but you handle it so well and I'm so grateful for that."

You put one had on the wheel and the other on his hand. "Shawn, you don't to thank me. I wanted to be with you because of way more than just you being famous. I love you more because you respect you fans so much and it warms my heart every time we run into them. You're a very great guy, and don't you forget it."

"And you're my favorite greatest, most beautiful, most special girl in the whole wide world!" He said while leaning over and kissing you on the the cheek.

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