His Good Morning Text To You

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Matt: "Good morning! I have been thinking about you all night. I cant wait to spend my whole day with the second most beautiful girl in my life(the first is my mom btw)."

Carter: "You are the cutest girl when your sleeping. It's cute watching drool on my pillows. Lol but good morning!"

Shawn: "Morning pretty girl. I hope you have a wonderful day today. Make sure you don't have too much fun without me!"

Aaron: "Good morning girlfriend! Just wanted you tell your beautiful and you are going to have an awesome day because of that!"

Cameron: "Waking up next you is amazing. I love seeing your sweet face. Even though you kick a little, I love sharing my bed with you. Good morning my soon to be Mrs. Dallas!"

Nash: "ZAYYUMM BAE I KNOW YOU BE LOOKING CUTE WHILE U SLEEPIN! Haha but good morning my lovely. Have a wonderful day!"

Jack J: "Hey beautiful, just wanted to make sure I was the first to say GOOD MORNING!"

Jack G: "The one and only ( Y/N ), I had dream about you last night ;). Good morning and have a amazing day because your an amazing girl!"

Taylor: "Good morning babe! I miss you and hope you have a great day. Don't forget I love you!"

Hayes: "Hey I c u havent read my good morning text and I sent it two hours ago. WAKE UP!!!! I wanna spend my day w/ u xD!"

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