A Pet Peeve He Has About You

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Shawn: Even though you warned Shawn about this, he really doesn't like how much you curse. He understands when your really mad you use a few bad words. Or when you hurt yourself you use a few bad words here and there. But he doesn't think beautiful girls should use such foul language. He believes girls should carry themselves with poise and class.

Aaron: Being hypocritical was something you were amazing at. Aaron just didn't understand how you could hate something so much yet do that same thing. Sometimes you hate when people girls have too shorts dresses on and on a date night that's all you would ever wear. Aaron just wanted you to be honest with yourself and not be so oblivious of what you do.

Carter: Carter doesn't have many friends that are girls because of the drama they can carry. But sometimes Carter noticed that you can be two faced with some people. Especially with some of your friends. It just confused him how you can talk about people to him but hang out with them later.

Matt: Both you and Matt hate when you try to pretend to be someone you're not. Sometimes it's just easier to be like everyone else. But inside you're are not ordinary, similar, or anything like to anyone else out there. And Matt wants you to embrace your differences instead of trying to hide them. He wants you to be comfortable and yourself all the time.

Nash: You grew up as an only child. You didn't have to share and you got basically anything you wanted. When you started hanging around Nash a little more he noticed that you like to waste. From food to clothes you just didn't care. But Nash being part of a big family, wanted you to appreciate, and be grateful for the things you have. Lots of people aren't as fortunate as other people.

Cameron: It didn't bother Cameron that you were sometimes sarcastic. What bothered him was the smart comments you made sometimes. Every now and then he would laugh at them but sometimes your comments were just plain rude. Cam didn't like to be a wimp and say sometimes you hurt his feelings but a some points you were kind of hurtful.

Jack J: Neither you or Jack understood why, but somehow you always find a way to put yourself down. When you play your sport and don't do amazing every game you go so hard in yourself. Or when you don't get a 100% on your test you stress yourself out. Jack just wanted you to take it easy. Everything doesn't gave to be perfect for him. He just wants you to be you. Now that's perfect!

Jack G: In your mind Jack's pet peeve about you was kind of hypocritical. But, he really disliked how much time was consumed from you on your phone. To him it was like from morning to night your phone was active and in your hands. All he really wanted you to understand is there is a life outside of social media.

Taylor: Since Taylor likes girls that are outgoing and not afraid to be themselves, he really doesn't like when you're shy around the guys. It makes him feel uncomfortable for you sometimes. The guys don't mind when you hang around. He wants you to be close with his friends because he knows that you will be around for a while.

Hayes: Blonde moments happen to everyone. Sometimes you just forget. But one thing Hayes could not stand is when you dumb yourself down when you're with your friends. He didn't like the way you talked around them. He knew you were an intelligent girl so he was confused on why you would hide it from your friends.

Let me know in the comments what your biggest pet peeves are!

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