Shake It Off

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Taylor: "Shake it off.."

At a point in everyone's like they get stuck in this hole where they have no idea who they are or what they wanna do. This recently happened to Taylor and you were confused on how to help him. But instead of just bothering him to death you let him have his own space. And in no time he remembered what he loves most, which was meeting his fans. However he wanted to meet them on his own and in a way where everyone could attend. Taylor said he wants to travel the world and meet his fans for free in an RV! To you this was the most generous you've ever heard. And you were happy that your amazing boyfriend was the one who came up with idea.

Hayes: "You've been getting down.."

Being famous has it's ups and downs. There are amazing fans but also haters. There are awesome tours but time away from friends and family. However, Hayes has been noticing more negatives more than the positive lately on twitter. He's been responding to more negative comments rather than noticing the sweet ones from fans. You explained to Hayes that just because one person didn't approve of what he does doesn't mean that he should let them get into his head. You think Hayes is an amazing person so there is no reason for him to let those haters bring him down!

Carter: "Fakers gonna fake..."

If anybody knows a fake person, it's Carter. So many people think they know who they are but then you go and see them be the total opposite of who they say they wanted to be. Carter knew he could count on you. He knew he could count his family and friends. But, he started to notice that even some if his fans were staying to change up on him. They don't approve of his relationship with you and that bothers him so much because he feels that no matter what, his fans should have his back. All you could do is keep loving him and hope that the fans will come through like they usually do.

Matt: "I stay out too late.."

Lately Matt had been a party animal! He's been getting invited to concerts, late night parties, and all types of events. You would know all this because he's been tagging you long with him. It's so much fun just hanging with Matt and seeing him have such an amazing time. His smile lit up the room and made everyone else jump to the beat. You loved to see him have a good time because you guys are going and you never know when you could have this chance again so you had to love it up at that moment.

Nash: "Won't stop groovin.."

One of Nash's favorite words to use is groovy. He's also in love with the 70's. He thinks it was an amazing time. You weren't so sure why he loves that time so much though. To you the most precious time was the time you spent with Nash because he was such an inspiring person to be around. Listening to him talk always touched your heart. He just knew how to word things so well. No one else was quite like him. Basically everything was just better when Nash was around. There was no short cuts to it.

Cameron: "It's gonna be alright.."

When your 7 you say you want to be a doctor or a ballerina. When your 13 you start to become confused. And right when you turn 18 things get serious. Everything is on you when your on your own. Except for those people that have another awesome standing next to them. And for you that was Cameron. And for Cameron that was you. No matter what either of you were going through you both knew sticking by each other was what works best. Cameron is one of those people that look up. And he helps you keep your chin up too.

Jack J: "Haters gonna hate.."

Jack & Jack have been on their grind for a long time. Right now they are killing it. From new music, to new music videos, to tours. It's a dream come true for everyone because some people don't have the opportunity to have their dreams come true. Everything was working out so well. However, of course at some point there comes one person that has to try and bring you down. Jack is not the type of person that gets too bothered by haters. But if he ever needs a little reminder to stay strong you are there for him 100%.

Jack G: "Got nothing in my brain.."

You and Jack usually come up with the best ways to make each other laugh. Sometimes you have tickle fights. Other times you make funny faces at serious times. There is also a bunch of ways you two make each other happy. Once in a while Jack surprises you with an awesome dinner or you buy him some new clothes. But you were starting to run out of ideas. You wanted to find a new way to make Jack's smile lighten up yours and his day.

Aaron: "Won't you come on over baby.."

Since you and Aaron are only a certain age you don't share a home yet. It's difficult at times because sometimes you need each other right at that moment. For example you needed Aaron to take care of you when you weren't feeling well because your parents didn't believe you were ill. Or when Aaron needed a cuddle buddy because he was all alone on a rainy night watching netflix. Both of you just can't wait to grow up.

Shawn: "Got this music in my mind.."

Shawn has been living his dream. He's been so grateful and blessed enough to go around the world and do what he loves. He's been gaining more fans and popularity. Even adults are saying Shawn is a great artist. One thing you and Shawn both noticed about this business is being original is harder than anyone would ever think. Putting your own music out and getting people to like is very challenging. However, Shawn was not one too give up or else he wouldn't be where he is today. He still works hard and it's out his own material. He makes you very proud.

Sorry this so late but I'm updating now and right after that!

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