Baby I

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Taylor: "No matter what you do, I'll be around..."

And that was true. To Taylor it didn't matter how many mistakes you made. He felt everyone was human and everyone messes up. But everyone also deserves a second chance.

Hayes: "And I say baby..."

Hayes called you baby all the time. He had lots of feelings for you. And he also had lots of things to say. But if the words didn't come out right he would just say baby.

Jack J: " When I try to explain it, I be sounding insane..."

Jack couldn't ask for a better girlfriend. You were beautiful, intelligent, and outgoing. When he tried to explain to you all those compliments it didn't come out the way you expected. But at least he would be that one to try.

Jack G: "I can't explain what I'm feeling..."

Jack was the type of guy to keep some of his feelings in. He didn't really show his emotions he just played along with the vibe of everyone else. But when you know exactly how Jack was feeling you took his hand and smiled to let him know you understand.

Matt: "I'm so down for you..."

To be honest Matt was falling hard for you. He went head over heels to make you happy. There was so much he loved about. He felt you were his other half. There was no way he could let you go.

Carter: "Baby I've been feeling you..."

A while before you and Carter started dating he had his eyes on you. He already knew you were right for him. No doubt in his mind he wanted to be with you and he made that happen.

Shawn: "Words are over complicated..."

Even though saying "I love you" or "Your everything to me" was nice, talk is cheap. Shawn showed you how he felt about you. He showed you there was nothing he wouldn't do for you and there was nothing he couldn't do for you.

Aaron: "I sure hope you know..."

Aaron was sometimes doubtful on himself. He didn't feel like he was doing enough for you. He thought you deserved everything in the world and he wasn't going to stop until that's what you got.

Cameron: "All I'm trying to say is your my everything..."

Cameron was everything you dreamed of and more. He wanted you to know that you were everything to him too. All the things he bought for you and how he treated you definitely showed you that there was no leaving him.

Nash: "I don't know where to start..."

There was no describing what you meant to Nash. There was so many different things about you that he loved. There was not just one thing to say about you because you were a variety of beautiful things.

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