43: No permission

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Y/n sniffle while clutching on to Tanya who kept comforting her.

"I'm caring for an enemy, Tanya... Why does it feel fuzzy..?" She cried out while holding tight.

Tanya could swear she was going to choke herself sooner or later if she doesn't help y/n calm down.

"It's fine if you care for an enemy... Nothing will hurt you too much." She said.

'Even though caring for an enemy would get you suspected as being an enemy as well.' she thought before continuing with, "there, there, please stop crying now, I need to sleep."

Y/n sighed and wiped her face with her sleeves.

"I feel so... Mad at myself." She said.

"Why's that?" Tanya wondered.

'I'm a guy crying over something so small...' y/n thought before saying, "nah... It's nothing, I think I just feel mad at myself."

Tanya raised a brow before sighing as she said, "if that's the case then fine, just please stop crying."

"Because you can't sleep, huh..?" Y/n hummed.

"No, it's because you make me feel guilt over you crying... You're crying are hurting me." Tanya said while patting her chest.

"It hurts here, it really hurts without my knowledge." She continued.

Y/n smiled lightly.

"Sorry." She said while wiping her cheeks.

Tanya sighed once again as she caressed y/n's left cheek.

"I hate it when you cry, you made me feel mad when you cried towards me last time." She pondered.

"Please... Stop crying for me." She continued.

Y/n rubbed against the hand on her cheek, holding it close before leaving a peck on her wrist.

"You're begging is quite sweet, it's making me feel jumpy on the inside. Why are you so irresistible?" She hummed while leaning down on Tanya.

Tanya hummed while staring up at her.

"Go to sleep, y/n." She said.

Y/n chuckled lightly and leaned close to Tanya's neck.

Tanya frowned and pushed her lightly back, to no avail did that work, or get y/n pushed in the slightest.

"Damnit, y/n, go to sleep..." She huffed while furrowing her brows towards her.

Y/n rolled her eyes and placed a hand close to Tanya.

Tanya raised a brow.

"What the hell are you doing?" She mumbled.

Y/n laid beside Tanya and rested her head close to her.

"Go to sleep, damnit..." Tanya grumbled.

Y/n sighed.

"Fine." She said.


'I fucking hate sleep deprivation.' y/n thought as she laid beside Tanya with her hands behind her head while looking up at the ceiling.

It was close to morning now. She awoke quite early than Tanya. Way too early from having to only wake up after seven hours of sleep.

'Not only that... She's pretty cute when she wears my shirt. She's pretty comfortable in her sleep with my white shirt, huh...' she chained her thoughts over as she continued to stare at the ceiling before she smirked and turned around to face Tanya who was asleep.

Tanya x Female!Reader (youjo senki/ the saga of Tanya the evil fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now