13: Dead memories

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"Ah, they're awake now."

That's what the doctor said when Tanya and y/n somehow awoke at the same time on opposite beds.

"What the hell..?" Y/n uttered while rubbing an eye awake.

"What the hell happened??" She questioned while looking around her.

The doctor quickly shot up.

"Soldiers came rushing you both in when you both fainted they said." She said.

Y/n huffed.

"Faint?? I didn't faint!" She slurred.

"Where are am I?" Tanya mumbled after taking the cover off of her.

Y/n shot up when she heard another voice in the room she was in. Yanking the curtain that was covering where the voice was, she and Tanya stared at each other before one question made the doctor's soul jump off of her for a split second from the shock.

"And who are you supposed to be??"

That was the question both children in the beds said to each other.

After a minute, the doctor regained her consciousness and faked a cough to get both children's attention.

"Excuse me, we are talking here." Y/n immediately shut her down without a second to lose.

"Oh... Ok, I'll just be sitting here then." It was surprising how the doctor quickly gave up without a second thought.

Tanya and y/n continued to examine each other's features before y/n said, "you look familiar for some reason and I don't know why."

"Yes... And I'm somehow recalling weird memories of you from where I grew up in." Tanya added before continuing to examine y/n.

It was silence with the doctor just sitting there. Feeling awkward to herself as she continued to glance back and forth while listening, examining, and writing on her notes.

This was new. She's never seen this kind of thing before. Sudden memory loss after fainting. Was it even memory lose to begin with?


The doctor perked up when she was called out on.

"Me??" She uttered.

Y/n nodded.

"You're the only one who's in here with us, you must know why we're having Deja Vu with each other, right?" She pondered.

Tanya nodded in agreement to her statement.

'Uhh... This is a nightmare...' the doctor thought before she forced a smile on her face as she said, "to begin with... I'll have to ask you a few questions."

Y/n and Tanya exchanged glances before they agreed to the consent.


After a while of questioning, the doctor was left with questions that cannot and should never be answered. Instead of answers, she got more questions instead, just harder questions even.

"Now that you're done questioning us, can we question you now?" Tanya wondered while sitting by the foot of the bed.

The doctor gulped before she nodded.

'Please don't be a weird question that would be hard to answer.' she prayed.

"Why are we here?" Tanya asked.

Tanya x Female!Reader (youjo senki/ the saga of Tanya the evil fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now