14: Bonded

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"First luitenant Weiss and first luitenant Leithan took care of the mission." Milena said while holding the reports in both hands.

"Ok..?" Y/n raised a brow when she was told just that. She really didn't know why Milena was telling her that though, she just doesn't.

Milena was sweating bullets as she stood on her ground trying to keep herself from getting awkward. Wouldn't want y/n saying, "ugh... God, you're so awkward, luitenant." At her.

Y/n hummed before she asked, "anything else??"

Milena perked up.

"No, Major y/n. T... That's about it." She said.

"So it's my free time??" Y/n chimed giddily as she rested her chin in both hands.

Milena forced a meek smile on her face as she nodded.

'What has happened to you, Major..?' she thought before chaining it with, 'did something really change her??'

"I'm gonna go see, Tanya! See ya!" Y/n said before rushing out of her office.

"Ah! Wait!! Major y/n?!!" Milena stammered as she tried to stop the child from running off.


Tanya stopped working when y/n jumped from behind her. Time stood still for a moment when she earned herself a shock in the head.

"Are you busy??" Y/n hummed while resting her chin on one of Tanya's shoulders.

Tanya frowned while saying, "yeah, why??"


"I think it's about time we take them out of their service now." Zettour suggested.

Maxiliam sighed. He wasn't all too pleased about the news.

'Something happened to those two..?' Lerhgen wondered while looking out the window with hands behind his back.

"They just suddenly lost their memories, they'll remember who they are, hopefully. For now, let's give them some time before we take them out of their service." Maxiliam said.


"I heard the Frontlines are fun." Y/n pondered while resting her chin on the table with neatly crossed arms.

Tanya raised a brow.

"Is it?" She said.

"Yeah! They said there's more killing there than in the safe zone and stuff. They also said that we're supposed to be the only ones who can figure out how to win it." Y/n said while rocking her legs back and forth under the table.

Tanya hummed while placing the paper down.

"So... Are we... Going or..?" She began.

Y/n smiled.

"Yeah! Let's go!" She exclaimed.

Tanya smiled as she said, "then I'm gonna sign this message for an immediate response then."

"Aww, yeah!" Y/n laughed in crippling excitement.


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