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Lauren had spent her entire day locked up, sobbing in the middle of her disheveled room. She didn't feel like eating, drinking or even sleeping, even with how tired she had grown from the crying. She just couldn't seem to bring herself to the state of peace where sleep dawned her.

Clara had tried her best to get Lauren to open the door up and eat something, but to no avail. She wanted to comfort her daughter, but how could she when Lauren wouldn't even face them. So she let her be.

Lauren's room was filled with the sound of her sobs and her heavy breathing, but soon the ring of her phone echoed the ambience of her room. She didn't want to talk to anyone at this point, but upon seeing her heartbreaker's name flash on the screen, desperation took over causing her to pick up the call, almost too quickly for her own liking. She was praying hard for this to be a joke, a terrible joke that is.

[Lauren] [Lucy]
"L-Lucy? Please please tell me you were joking earlier."

Lauren begged helplessly. A part of her knew it wasn't some sick joke, considering her parents had also been informed. But that didn't stop her from hoping all of this was a dream, or that Lucy had realised she made a mistake.

"Lauren...I'm really sorry, but no it wasn't a joke. I meant what I said earlier, and I feel shitty doing this to you—"

Lauren's heart was breaking all over again with every word that Lucy spoke. Her heartache was soon replaced with anger.

"—THEN WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU CALLING ME NOW? YOU JUST WANT ME REMIND ME OF THE PAIN YOU CAUSED, DON'T YOU?!...Do both of us a favour Lucy, and please, just please never call me again."

Lauren was about to cut the call, but Lucy interrupted her requesting not to and that she had to talk to her about something.

"Just listen to me for a second, Lauren. I'll let you be after this."

Lucy could hear the other girl huff, clearly annoyed by her mere presence. What she was about to say was only going to annoy her more though.

"I think you should go to Paris tomorrow..."

After Lucy had suggested the idea, there was a long pause where no one spoke. If Lauren wasn't vexed before, she sure as hell was now.

"Go to Paris? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR DAMN MIND VIVES?! How can you call me after you break up with me the day before our wedding AND have the audacity to tell me to go to what was supposed to be our honeymoon ALONE? Can you even hear your stupid self?"

Lucy flinched again at the angry Cuban's attitude, but what was she expecting after all? She knew it was a stupid idea, but she only wanted Lauren to have some time to herself and thought, perhaps going to Paris would be good for her. But judging from her ex-fiancée's reaction, she figured how stupid she might've sounded.

"I- I just thought it would give you some time alone to process this. I know it was fucked up on my behalf to do this to you, but I do think you should go to Paris to calm down. It would probably be a good thing to do right now. I just want to help Lauren."

Every word Lucy spoke was sounding more and more stupid, however Lauren found herself contemplating about the suggestion.

I mean what was there to lose for her? She had already lost what mattered to her, besides her family of course.

"Don't fucking call or come near me ever again, Lucia. I wish you a great life."

The green eyed girl cut the call, and threw the phone on her bed. She quickly checked if the phone was alright, before sinking down on her bed—her palms covering her face.

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