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It was the day before the wedding, Lauren couldn't help but feel all her nerves rise up. It was quite obvious one of the most important moment of her life.

She was agitated to meet her fiancée after almost 2 months from being away from her, but she was excited nonetheless. Given, Lucy's abrupt phone call yesterday had left her with some unanswered questions, but she was going to find out about it today.

Looking at her watch, Lauren sighed. She had been sitting in this cafe for almost half an hour, with no signs of Lucy being there. One of the trait Lauren hated about Lucy, her lack of punctuality. But that's what a strong relationship is about, compromises and loving the other person no matter what. At least, that's what it was to Lauren.

She had called Lucy a few minutes ago, only to be received with a 'I'm on my way' and 'I'll be there. Just wait.' So Lauren did exactly what she had been told, she waited.

Approximately 15-20 minutes had passed, and Lauren was starting to feel antsy. She was considering to leave and talk to Lucy on the call, but as she was about to get up, she saw a familiar car park outside.

Soon, her fiancée stepped out of the car, looking as flawless as ever. Although Lauren wanted to overlook her fiancée's elegance and be mad at her, she couldn't help the small smile forming on her face. She had indeed missed her.

Lucy entered the café, almost dreading the talk she was about to have with the Cuban. She walked over to her, occupying the empty seat in front of her 'fiancée'.

Vives smiled sheepishly at the  angry Cuban, "I am sor-" "Don't. One hour Lucy! You made me wait here for one fucking hour! Are you going to be late for the wedding tomorrow too?!" Lauren quarrelled.

Lucy was surprised at the girl's outburst, but she knew what she was about to say was just going to fuel her anger. The brown eyed girl took a deep breath,"Lauren, I can't do this."

If Lauren wasn't confused with Lucy's weird behaviour yesterday, she was sure as hell now. "C-Can't do what, Lucy?What d-do you mean?" Lauren stuttered out, almost as if she was afraid to know what Lucy was talking about.

Lucy had her head hung low, trying to think of a way to say it out loud, but knew that there was no other way than just saying it truthfully.

"I can't...I can't marry you, Lauren. I'm sorry, but I just don't f-feel the same way I used to anymore. I don't know how or when, but we lost the spark la-"

"Stop. Please, just stop." Lauren interrupted her.

Shattered. That's what she was feeling. Disbelief and heartbreak hitting her like waves. She couldn't comprehend that the love of her life—who she was supposed to marry tomorrow—was basically telling her that she didn't love her anymore?

How was she even supposed to react to that? What was she supposed to say? All she felt was her heart slowly cracking, almost as if it was mocking her and making her feel all the pain she thought she deserved.

"I-I'm sorry, Lauren. I didn't think it would've been right to go on with the wedding, knowing I didn't feel the same way anymore." Lucy apologised.

The girl huffed, "And what made you think it was okay to say this one fucking day before the wedding, huh Lucy?" She chuckled bitterly as she saw a tear slip down her lover's cheek, "Oh no no, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CRY. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE FUCKING SAD AND ACT LIKE THE VICTIM HERE, LUCIA VIVES!!" Lauren yelled.

Lucy flinched at her tone. She knew she had to be prepared for this outburst, but reality always hit harder no matter how much you are prepared for it. She also couldn't help but wonder what a stupid idea it was to talk about this in a Café, and there talk was definitely getting a few looks. Thankfully there weren't a lot.

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