Disclaimers & Summary

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• I don't own any of the gifs or pictures I'm going to use in this book the credits all goes to their respectful creators and owners. Also in no way I claim to own any of the artists in the book I only own the plot and my orginal characters.

•This whole book is a work of fiction and has nothing to do with the artists or real people.

•This is a collage au and will be one hell of a drama so if you don't like drama I don't advise you to read.

•Thank you for choosing this book, hope you enjoy.

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(Y/n) is a collage student who studies photography in Seoul national university, her best friend Jeon Mila is in a relationship with Kim Taehyung, a rich and popular boy who's a part of a group called BTS. Jeon Jungkook, Taehyung's best friend always had a crush on Mila (They're not related). He wanted to confess to her but was too shy to do so and then Taehyung beat him in it and asked her out first. Now after a year Jungkook wants her back and asks (Y/n) to do so after finding out (Y/n) herself had a thing for Taehyung. But what (Y/n) and Jungkook don't know is this game will change their lives for ever and it will change their feelings too, whether for better or worse...

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