Chapter 25

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Meridian POV
Yesterday Scott and Matthew moved me to a new location and chained me back up, and my body has gotten weak from the constant silver exposure. My robe had been left back at the old shack,, so I remain naked and shivering. I'm slipping in and out of consciousness when I hear a shout of pain from the next room. It is shortly followed by more, and suddenly Scott barges into the room.

"It would seem your husband is torturing Michelle for your whereabouts," he practically snarls at me, gripping my hair.

"I told you that he'd come for me, you dumbass," I manage to mumble.

"You know what I think,  Mer old pal, I think we've been a little too nice to you. Our hospitality has officially ran out. Let's see how he likes it." With that,  he grabs an iron rod, and shoves it deep into my thigh.
I cry out in pain, legs collapsing, leaving me hanging by my arms.

Laughing weakly I glance up at him.
"You dumbass. You're forgetting that you've had me chained in silver for nearly two days. My body is so weak that my mind link isn't even working, so do you really think he's going to feel anything? You really are dumber than you look, Scotty boy."

His face darkens and he rips the bar from my leg, making me cry out.
"He may not feel it, but I'll feel a hell of a lot better." With that he drives the bar through my abdomen.

Malachi POV

I'm walking to the house to clean myself up, and I can see pack members scrambling out of my way, eyes widening at the sight of me covered in blood. After hours of torture, Michelle finally agreed to lead us to Meridian. I left her caged but removed the silver so she could heal a little before traveling. I shower quickly, throwing on pants before heading to Isaah's room.
He and Samara had managed to put out the fires and move the families into other homes temporarily. He may be a goofy kid, but he'd make a great Beta.
"Isaah," I call, knocking on his door, and it quickly opens.
"What happened, did she give us anything to work with?"
Smiling I pat his arm, and wave for him to follow me.
"Let's go get our girl, brother."

Meridian POV

All I hear throughout the room is the soft "tap, tap" of my blood striking against the floor. For hours Scott tortured me, stabbing me with the iron rod, cutting me with razor blades, and even force-fed me bits of silver that burned like molten lava all the way down. Normally I would have healed already but the silver has rendered me useless, practically turning me human. I haven't seen Matthew since we arrived, and as much as I hate the twins, I hope Malachi didn't kill Michelle. He's not a murderer, and the guilt would consume him for years. I zone out, letting the rhythmic tapping lull me to sleep.
When I wake again, I listen carefully,  hearing shouting in the next room.

"What do you mean she failed? You two are the ones that pull me into this, and then you just lead them here, is that it?"

"They were torturing her, Scott, and torturing me in the process. What did you expect her to do?" Okay, so that voice belongs to Matthew, I reason as I continue listening.

"Um, I don't know, maybe let her die? She jeopardized everything we've been working for!" That earns a snarl from Matthew.
"I would never let my sister die. Besides, killing her would mean killing me,  dumbass."

"Enough!" A new voice shouts, causing the two to instantly quiet.
"This changes nothing, it merely speeds up our timeline. When they show up, we kill them all as planned. For years I have watched useless Alphas fail at protecting their people, and I have slaughtered them all. I would rather have thousands of rogues than one weak Alpha in this world."
I stop listening, my heart beating out of my chest. Malachi is coming for me, but he's walking right into an ambush.

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