Chapter 24

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I hear Isaah whimper behind me as he approaches.
Suddenly Jeremiah addresses me through the mind link, "Alpha, we need you back here now! The pack is under attack!"
I share a glance with Isaah, before we begin sprinting back home. We slow for a moment as we take in the many houses burning around us, before I shake it off and tear towards a rogue wolf. I recognize Jessica being attacked, her husband Dominic, lying motionless nearby. Snarling, I pounce,  clamping my teeth on the wolf's throat like a steel trap, and drive my claws through his heart. Shoving him off I turn towards Jessica, who crawls to Dominic.
"I wasn't paying attention when the wolf approached. He threw himself in front of the attack to save me. First my baby boy, now my husband. What am I supposed to do now?"
Samara appears, holding Jessica to her chest as she sobs, nodding for me to get back to the fight. We fight, killing every rogue that has attacked, except for one, whom was taken to the cells.
Isaah assists with putting out fires while I head towards the cell.
Shifting back to human form, I take some pants that a guard hands me, making my way inside. My breath catches as I come face to face with the captive, Michelle, who is grinning ear to ear.
"Well, hello again, Alpha. Did you find the Luna?" She asks, smirking, already knowing the answer.
"Where the hell is Meridian? Tell me and I'll consider letting you live."

Again she laughs, "You were so concerned with finding her that you left your pack behind. You call yourself an Alpha but you put your emotions before your pack. This is your fault, not mine. You'll never find her, Malachi." My anger burns through me, but I suddenly remember something.
"You have a twin, do you not?" Her eyes flash with fear for a moment before they return to normal.
"Yes and he is far from here. You won't be able to reach him, believe me."
She smirks thinking she won, but I remember something Meridian had taught me. Twin werewolves share a bond, similar to a mate bond, where they can communicate through a mind link, and also can feel each other's pain.
I smirk, communicating silently with Jeremiah, who appears shortly after with silver restraints and a variety of knives. Michelle's eyes widen as she realizes what's about to happen.

"Malachi, let's talk things through,  okay? I know you're pissed, but all of this is for the good of the pack. They deserve an Alpha that will do whatever it takes to protect them."

I open the cell, slipping inside as she cowers against the wall.
"Tell me where she is, Michelle."
"I won't tell you, Malachi. My loyalty doesn't lie with you," she spits.
"Very well," I say before snapping the cuffs around her wrists, making her cry out at the contact as I chain her to the wall. Picking up a knife, I turn back toward her, frustrated with her defiance, and give her a final chance.
"I don't want to hurt you, but I will if it leads me to Meridian. This is your last chance to talk. Where is my wife?"
In a final act of defiance, Michelle spits in my face, glaring into my eyes.

Sighing, I wipe my face, and with a deep breath, I drive the blade into her thigh until I hit bone, listening to her scream before removing it and repeating the action, again and again.

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