Chapter 2

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The house is bustling with activity as my brother, Isaah, cleans the house and I run around the kitchen preparing food. A few pack members help set the tables and decorate. We are celebrating the addition of two new members to our pack, Matthew and Michelle, twins that showed up on our lands several weeks before, hungry and claiming their entire pack was slaughtered by an enemy pack. They kept to themselves so I didn't know them well, but its tradition that we have a get together to include new members and get to know them.
When party time finally comes around, the doorbell rings, and Isaah lets all our closest friends inside, along with our special guests. I set all the food onto the table when there's a quiet knock at the door. If I wasn't a werewolf then I probably wouldn't have heard it.
"Everybody we invited is here, who could that be?" Joseph asks, going to stand. I place a hand on his shoulder, making him sit back down.
"I'll get it. Everyone go ahead and dig in." One thing about wolves, you don't have to tell them twice to eat, and i hear dishes begin to clink as food is served. I smile, shaking my head as I make my way toward the door. Pulling it open, my mouth drops in surprise as I'm met with a familiar pair of green eyes.
"Um, hello, I don't mean to bother you, but I-," He spoke in a soft voice, stopping when he sees everyone behind me  and stares at his feet a moment before turning away. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't bother you, you're clearly busy." He begins to walk down the porch steps, but I grab his hand, feeling a sudden electric spark shoot up my arm. I know he feels it too, as his eyes widen suddenly.
"Don't go. Were you looking for someone?" I ask, as he looks nervous again.
"It's crazy, but I saw a wolf in the woods yesterday,  and something told me I should follow it. I could, um, smell honey and coconut, and I followed that smell here. You probably think I'm insane," he mumbles, smiling sadly, "and you have guests, so I'll leave now." He must not be a wolf, because we can associate certain scents with friends and loved ones, and he seemed confused by the idea. But I can't deny the sparks we felt when we touched earlier, and before I can help it I'm calling to him.
"Wait, please, come inside! I'm Meridian," I smile, holding out my hand. He smiles, saying, "I'm Malachi, nice to meet you," before shaking my hand, making goosebumps spread across my skin at the contact. Clearing my throat as I blush, I step aside and let him enter my home. If he's a human,  this is the dumbest thing I've ever done.

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