Chapter 9

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Meridian POV
I quickly scramble eggs and fry up some bacon, setting it on the table, and grabbing plates. "This looks amazing, baby," Malachi says, kissing me gently.
"Ugh, gross you two. I already had to hear you guys all morning and now you bring it to my sanctuary, the kitchen!" Isaah scrunches his nose as he grabs a plate, helping himself to some bacon. Laughing, Malachi and I seperate, putting some food on our plates.
"Dont worry baby brother, you'll find your mate one day, and then you'll understand." He frowns, talking with a mouth full of food. "I'd rather not share my food forever, but thanks anyway." I laugh, rolling my eyes. When it comes to food, Isaah doesn't mess around. There's a knock at the door as we finish, and Malachi kisses me, telling me to answer it while he cleans up. Pulling open the door, I frown when I see Joseph standing in the doorway. His eyes darken when he sees the mark on my neck, but he quickly looks at my face as I growl.
"What are you doing here? Come to treat me like a whore again?" I snap, still angry at how he acted yesterday.
"I'm sorry, Meridian. Please, can we go up to your room and talk privately?" I sigh, hesitating before I nod in agreement. He's an ass but I'm still leader of this pack, and I can't give pack members the silent treatment. Once upstairs, we enter my room, and Joseph frowns. "Ugh, it smells like him in here," he starts, but sees my angry face, and continues, "I'm sorry for what I said yesterday. I was upset and took it out on you. You know I've loved you for a long time, and I got jealous that you found someone, and I'm still alone." I grip his hand, squeezing it gently.
"I forgive you, Jo. I know it's hard, but this came out of nowhere, and Malachi is a great guy if you would just get to know him." It's like he didn't hear a word I said, his eyes darkening as I look at him. "Uh, Jo?" Without answering, Joseph crashes his lips to mine as I fight against him. He stops, kissing my neck as he whispers, "Just let me prove that I can be a better lover than he ever will be.  I love you, Meridian." Bile rises in my throat as I fight against him, trying to get him off of me, but he's too strong. I may lead the pack, but I'm not technically an Alpha, so I don't have the increased strength of an Alpha. We fall backwards and I punch Joseph in the nose, hearing a crack, but he's unphased as his wolf completely takes over. Just as he begins trying to remove my pants, I hear a furious growl from the doorway, unable to see around Joseph's frame but I have an idea who it is. He is torn away from my body. Malachi's eyes are black and he growls ferociously at Joseph as his hand tightens around his neck. Using the pack link, I call to Jeremiah, my third in command, and have him come to my room immediately with backup.
"Yes, ma'am?" Jeremiah says as he enters, eyes widening at the scene before him. I can tell he's about to help Jo and I stop him, his brows rising in confusion.
"Take that son of a bitch to the pack cells. Don't let anyone in or out until I speak with him, do you understand? He's charged with disobeying his superior, and attempted rape on that same superior, so no special treatment!" Jeremiah looks shocked then glares daggers at Joseph, dragging him to the cells with help from some of the other pack members. Once everyone is gone, except for Malachi, I finally break down, sobbing into his chest.

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