|Haganezuka| Dango [Fluff]

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A/N: Dear anime-only fans, that's right. That's Haganezuka. You may now simp. 

"Hotaru, I'm home," Y/N chimed, taking off their shoes. "Hotaru?" Searching the house, they look for their husband, who was always cooped up inside his small hut. Y/N noticed patches of sweat and dark circles under his eyes. "I brought some dango, why don't you rest for a bit?"

As usual, they were ignored. Nothing will take his attention away when it comes to swords. Walking behind him, they leaned close to his ear. "It's been a while since you've used your sword on me," they whispered. Y/N scanned his face for any hint of blush, but he was too focused on his work.

Y/n sighed, resting their face on his back. Being ignored is still something Y/N has to get used to, they know this will happen. Yet they couldn't help but think of scenarios. What if there's an emergency and they need him? What if they finally have a child?

Each thought made Y/N gloomier, slowly raising their arms to hug Hotaru. "GYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA--" their fingers unconsciously brushed his side, making him suddenly laugh out loud, not long after going limp, slumping his body against his lover.

Amused, Y/N took this chance to lay down behind him, pulling Hotaru closer. They knew they were gonna get a solid smack for interrupting him.

Feeling Hotaru move after a few minutes, Y/N buried their face deeper in his chest to hide. They could feel his hand running in his hair, then his hands pulling him closer.

"I forgot you're ticklish there," they confessed. "I'm sorry. I'm still not used to this married life."

Hotaru took off his mask, kissing their forehead before resting his chin on their head. "It's fine. I shouldn't neglect you anyway..."

The couple cherishes their rare moment. It reminded Y/N why they married him in the first place. Hotaru was slowly falling asleep due to fatigue--

Until this stomach growled.

His face heated up from embarrassment, holding their face in place so he won't see their cheeky grin. "I brought dangos..."

"This is why I love you so much," he chuckled, stomach growling again.

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