|Inosuke| Trials

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"This isn't working!" Inosuke kicked a tree multiple times. "You suck at mating!"

"Excuse me?!" Uzui exclaimed. "I told you to give her 'the look!'"

"I did!"

"Then why is Y/N traumatized?" The both of them turned to your direction, rocking back and forth before shuddering at their stare. "Nevermind that. What did you do?"

"You told me to bite my lip," Inosuke grumbled, taking off his boar mask to demonstrate.

"I mean biting your lower lip." Uzui facepalmed, understanding the girl's horror. "And try to look seductive. You look like a piranha."

"Ok, you got the flower?" Inosuke showed his red rose. "Remember what we practiced?"


"Now get out there." Uzui hid behind a tree to watch his plan unfold. Y/N was calmly watering the flowers, humming a soft tune to herself.

"Y/N will you be..." Inosuke said, starting to feel embarrassed. The girl turned to him, smiling. He was about to offer the flower when an insect flew by.

"Be what, Inosuke?"

"BEE!!!" Inosuke fiercely swatted the bug away using the rose, hitting Y/N's face in the process. Uzui sweatdropped at the disastrous sight, immediately stepping in and protected the girl.

"This is the last chance. You better do it this time," Uzui sighed. "Is he finish?"

"All done," replied his wives. Inosuke was stunned seeing his reflection. The Sound Pillar lend him one of his old, flamboyant kimono and his wives fixed him up.

"Be gentle," Hinatsuru reminded him. Inosuke nodded walking out to find Y/N.

He spotted her laughing with Zenitsu. Fixing his kimono one last time he made his way over here. "You're the best!" Y/N said, tackling Zenitsu. "I love you so much Zenny!"

"Y-N--- Inosuke? Woah you look... different." Both of them turned to him.

Y/N quickly retracted herself and sat up. "Y-You look grea—"

"Dammit!" Inosuke slammed the bouquet to the ground. "I'm sick of this!" He sprinted at the other direction, ignoring Y/N and Uzui's calls.

To be continued...

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