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Third Person POV
Rose and the others were behind the Yukino Castle where you can find the Ritheum Forest.

(Ritheum Forest is basically the 5th safest forest it mainly consists of harmless monsters such as Dunches Trigans, Blobles, and Tleighs. Blobles are very very harmless and also very cute it releases bubbles when it's surprised, scared, intimidated, angry, and happy. The bubbles has no effects or whatsoever. Then there's the tleigh it has two horns in front of its head and most of the time it's harmless. But when it gets angry or annoyed it charges full speed ahead and stab you with it's horns then you end up plopped to the ground with ketchup. The most adorable thing about a tleigh is when it says tleigh it has a very very VERRRRYYYY cute tone and paired up with it's derpy looking face. It's like the definition of toy knives— cute but deadly)

They're training somewhere within the forest in team's of three. But they aren't allowed to go far away from the others so they are 2 meters apart from the others. So the teams are Caleb, Rose and Shiro , William, Ciel and Elliot , Alex, Liam and Shaira. All team's have 3 knights protecting them.

"AWWWW! Loooookkk over here guys!!" Everyone goes over to where Rose was asking them to come. "Look at it so cuteee and derpyy! " Rose proceeds to talk to the dunch in a baby voice. "Look at chu. You are shoo cuteee and tinyyy!" Rose proceeds to fangirl. "Awww look Rose it's looking at you!" Shaira said. Rose reached out her hands to touch the dunch. Everyone saw this in slow motion but they were too slow to react. The second thing they knew was Rose already touching the Dunch and the dunch getting ready to release it's stench. Shiro grabbed Rose and everyone else and started running. But they were too slow and still got reached by the strong stench. Everyone held their breath and tried not to puke.

Everyone went inside the castle and King already knew it was his daughter's fault since she like patting cute and derpy things. Just like when she touched a bloble when she was 7. Luckily it doesn't have any effects.

The smell didn't come off them until a month. Rose wasn't allowed to go to the forest anymore. She was only allowed to train inside the castle's training hall.

Author's Note:
Hello bootiful hooman beings! Author here! ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ

I just wanted thank you guys for reading and voting on my stories. I also love reading your comments! It's very entertaining. ฅ'ω'ฅ

I just wanted to tell you guys that...  There will be a special chapter that will be released tomorrow! You can ask any of the characters some questions so please feel free to comment question on that chapter!! 

( ^▽^)σ)^-^)/
See yoouu- I mean chat with you guyss sooonnnnn!

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