Chapter 19 - Poison that Only Effects the Likes of Thee!

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Rose's POV
Ohhh fudgery fudge fudge! I'm LOSTTT!  Why the hell would the founder of this school want to create it inside arthean Forest!! Curse my damn curiousity!! "ARRRGHHH! This is all your fault Rose! If you didn't get so curious about the dark fudging sparkles we wouldn't have gotten lost now would we?!" Caleb yelled. 

"GEEZZZUM! You're not the only one suffering here and PLUS how was I suppose to know that dark sparkles doesn't have a dark chocolate fountain with chocolate chip cookies at the end! The only way I could know is if I followed it and I did!" He's not the only one suffering here! I didn't get my chocolate fountain and cookies!!

"I swear Rose if we die here I'm gonna kill you! " Caleb threatened me.

"pffttt! How are you gonna kill me if we're already dead!" I responded. HAHAHAH! He thinks he can threaten me?! The almighty Rose?! Ohh nonono!

"And for threatening me! The Almighty powerful Rose! After we get back to the campus. I will create a potion that only works for the likes of thee!! Fufufufufu!" I said to him with my most sinister voice.

"Well go ahead then! We might bever come back to the campus anyway! " He said furiously.

"Chill out Caleb! Aren't you a god or something! You're not gonna die that fast y'know!" seriously though this guy's so negative! Welp, that's a plus, at least now I know he's never changed. He's still the same over exaggerated negative piece of junk!

I was looking around to see if I could remember the way we came from but what I saw was different. I-It's a... a... a. A TRIGAN!! OMIGOSHHH SO CUTEEEE!! 

(So I forgot to mention this at the world info. part but basically a trigan is a three-eyed blob it looks derpy and is basically harmless but when it's uncomfortable, scared or angry it releases this goop that gives rushes to anyone that's around it. There's three different colored goop— one is lime green when it's uncomfortable, purple when it's acared and lastly red when it's angry. Green is not that bad of an itch. Purple is really itchy and red is very very VERY itchy to the point that you might die. There's also a Dunch which doesn't like anyone touching it. If you touch this thing it will immediately release this super bad stench then hide itself under dirts, rock, water or anything else as long as it's beneath the Dunch. It's kinda similar to skunks but not too similar. There's other monsters or blobs and etc. in this story that I haven't mentioned but will encounter as time goes by.)

"Rose! Get away from that! I don't want to get rushes all over me! The last time you approach and touch a Dunch and you know what happened when you touch a dunch! And do you also remember that it did not end well right?! " Caleb yelled.

"I don't care! It's worth it! just look at their cutenes- HEY STOP DRAGGING ME AWAY!! Caleb!! Oh C'mon! " I look at the trigan and uh oh!

"CALEB RUNNN!! THE PURPLE GOOP IT'S GONNA GET US!! " caleb carried me then jumped up a tree.

"Phew that was clo- GAH! Why'd you drop me I could've fall y'know!"

"But you didn't." He said sarcastically while facing the other direction. Why're you so mean bruh. I looked forward and saw the campus.

"What the flip! We're so far out! Let's go before the sun sets. " I said then got up and left. I looked behind and saw Caleb following. Good he's following I thought he wasn't paying attenti- *bam! *

"Pfftt! HAHAHAHAH You're still so clumsy Rose!!" caleb laughs at me. "I am not clumsy! It's the trees fault for growing there!" I reasoned with him. "Right it's the trees fault." Caleb said while trying hard not to laugh.

To be Continued...

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