Chapter 7

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I confess.... When I finally became so tired that I had to stop thinking about Ray, and let my body sleep, I said interesting dreams.  They were pleasant, and sent shivers up my spine, but they made my mind go into a frenzy when I'd wake up.

I'd dream about Ray and I walking along the sandy beach, with his hand in mine.  He would turn towards me, and say so many things like, "Jordan, I need you to understand that I love you.... I don't know what I'd do without you..... Why can't you get that through your head?".  He'd smile when he said that, but something in my mind turned against him in the dream.  I'd take my hand away, and go "NO!".  Then I would wake up, wondering why I resisted, but then remind myself that I DID NOT like him.

It was now Monday night, after the weekend Ray and I hung out.  We were supposed to have a study period at six at his house.  He gave me his address, and because I walked everywhere, I knew exactly where he meant.  I packed my things, gave my mom a sheepish smile, and walked in the freezing rain to his house.  It was pretty warm for a winter day, so it wasn't snowing, but the rain was cold, so by the time I got there, I felt like I had hypothermia. 

I knocked on his door, my knuckles shaking.

"Holy crap Jordan!  Get inside now!"  Ray said, leading me in his house. I was trembling from head to toe. I couldn't even think about the fact that he had his arm wrapped around me, when he let me sit on his couch.  He was drinking hot chocolate, his favorite beverage.  He told me that at school.  Five times as a matter of fact.  He fixed me a cup, and gave it to me.  I drank it was slow, long sips.  It warmed me up fast. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was raining.  You must be freezing!" he said.

"No kidding!" I said, when I finally stopped shaking.

Suddenly, a young girl, about twelve came in yelling at Ray.  "You used up all the hot cocoa!  Jerk!" she said.  Obviously, the hot cocoa obsession ran in the family.

"I'm sorry, but my friend was dying here!" he said jokingly.  "This is my sister, Jenna," he said.  "This is Jordan," he said, gesturing to me.

"Oh, is she your replacement for Heather?" Jenna said. I raised an eyebrow, in confusion.  Ray gave her the death stare.

"If you don't leave, I'll turn you into hot cocoa," he said.  

"Who's Heather?" I asked him.  

"I'll tell you later," he mumbled after a little while.  Two adults came through the door with groceries in their hands.  I guess they were his parents.  Oh boy, more people.  My favorite.

"Oh hi!  I didn't realize you were having company," said the adult women, looking at me with a warm smile.  The man gave me a friendly nod, and when in to unload the groceries.

"Hey mom, this is my friend Jordan," Ray said.

"Oh hi Jordan!  So this is why you've been day dreaming so much lately!  You are the girl who is good with musical instruments, right?" his mom asked.  It took me a while to respond, because I kept thinking about the fact that Ray had possibly been daydreaming about me.

"Yeah, I guess so," I said, smiling and blushing. "Music is practically my life,"

"Jenna used to play the violin in like fourth grade.  We thought she was going to stick with it, but she didn't.  We bought the instrument for nothing!  But that's about all of the musical talent we have in this family," his mom said.  I decided I liked her.  She was really friendly.  

"Oh come on, you know I sing like an angel," Ray said smirking.

"Oh, most defiantly," his mom said rolling her eyes.  

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