Chapter 2

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My face was on fire.  Oh my gosh, nobody had ever heard me sing before.  Nobody ever heard my voice.  Nobody knew I had a burning passion to sing my heart out, and play these instruments....He'd get the word around.  People would think I was even more of a freak.  A girl who doesn't talk, but only sings...

"I'm serious," he said and approached me.  I blushed really hard, hoping that this was all in my head, and that he'd disappear.

"Do you mind?" I mumbled, turning my head towards the stage curtain on the other side of the stage.

"Not at all, keep singing," he said, and sat down beside me on the piano seat.  I groaned, silently praying that he would leave, but he just sat there with a smile on his face, waiting for me.  He folded his hands on his lap, and kept on smiling.

"Go away, please," I said shyly.  I was shy.  Like, really shy.  My cheeks were still blazing.  There was a part of me that wanted him out because I'm wasting my free period; not only that, but someone heard me.....

"Ray," he said sticking out his hand.  I slowly turned towards him, and shook it.

"Jordan," I said, a little louder than before.

"Oh, Jordan. The mysterious girl that sits in the back of the class with a different instrument every day, never wearing a smile.  She's in grade ten, and doesn't talk to anybody.  Obviously she is hiding something.  She could care less about her grades, and disappears into the music wing all of the time, but people are too afraid to go back and check up on here.  They just let her go," he said smiling.  I was creeped out now.  Did he follow me? 

"I honestly don't care who you are, just leave," I said.  I didn't care if I was acing snappy.  I just wanted him gone so I could practice.


"I want to do this in peace!"

"You can do it in peace while I'm here.  I wouldn't mind hearing your voice again," he pleaded.

"No. Get out," I demanded, giving him a little shove, but he didn't budge.

"I'm not leaving you alone.  Just sing," he said sweetly.  I got up, slung my bag over my shoulder, and walked to the band room.  I left my guitar there because I brought back a trombone.  "Oh, you can play this too?" he said, fascinated.

"Little bit," I said smirking.  I started playing it while he listened, and then brought it up to a ninety degree angle, and blew, sending my spit out the other end.  Yes, I know, disgusting, but this guy acted like he was the winner of this argument.  No.

"Okay. That's not usually what girls do to guys when they clearly want their attention," he said smiling, getting off of the little leather chair.  He started walking towards the auditorium exit.

"I don't want your attention! That's the point!" I said in rage.  I was boiling at this point.  Who does he think he is?

"We'll see about that doll face," he said walking off to the bathroom.  I groaned, thrusting the trombone on the ground.  I wanted to smack the grin off of his stupid face for invading my area.  Nobody ever bothered me before!  Why him, now?

I put the trombone back into the band room, Walked back into the auditorium, and pulled out my guitar.  I started strumming some scales, and then eventually went into a pattern of cords.  I started to play Let Her Go as best I could. It was the first real song I had tried since this morning, but it came really easy.  Once you learn to play one string instrument, the rest came easy.  I also played the cello.  All of this was by ear, but I could read music if you wanted me to.  

I sang along with the cords I played.  "Well you only need the light when it's burning low. Only miss the sun when it starts to snow.  Only know you love her when you let her go.  And you let her go," I sang, a smile spreading across my lips.  I always grinned like an idiot whenever I played my first song.

"You sound beautiful doll face!" said a voice coming from the hallway.  My face was flushed red.  I stopped playing and looked towards the doorway.  He was standing there, all cleaned up from the trombone incident.  I looked around for something to throw at him.  It was in impulse.  I had to.  Obviously yelling didn't work.

I took off my black, high top converse shoe, and threw it at him.  He let it hit him in the chest while he laughed.  "You're going to be late to class," he said.  I ignored him, and kept playing, but didn't sing.   he started to sing the lyrics.  This guy was a professional annoyer.  I swear, he needed to get a life.

"Okay, do I know you?" I finally yelled.

"You do now!  Remember?  We did the whole 'Hi my name is Ray' and 'Hi my name is Jordan' thing.  Recall?" he joked.

"Yes, I don't care!  You don't seem to understand the fact that I want you to leave," I said, my voice echoing throughout the auditorium.  I started playing again, letting the song distract me from him.  Then I started singing again.  In the back of my mind, I remembered he was there, listening to me, but I pushed it out of my head, because I knew he wasn't going anywhere. I really wanted to finish my song.

I finished, and sat there for a minute, half expecting him to do the slow clap thing he did before.  He didn't.  I zipped up my guitar, slung my back pack over my shoulder, and carried it on my other shoulder.  I walked towards the door.  He was gone.

I wasn't sure why, but it felt like my heart sank a little bit.

It was kind of nice to have a fan.....




Alright, I know it was a little slow in this chapter, but I promise that it will start picking up next chapter.  Everything will start to make sense about how Ray found her, and why he approached her.  Other than that, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.  Don't forget to vote.

-Cheesy Writer

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