Chapter 4

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"Raymond Banks! You are possibly the most annoying human being that ever walked this planet!" I shouted, staring into his sea green eyes.  They were so beautiful.  I tried to look away so he wouldn't hypnotize me.  

But he was sitting in the first row, middle section in the auditorium, listening to me play my instruments, and sing.  I was working on a new piece on the cello.  The melody was good, but he just had to start clapping, causing me to forget everything I had thought of.  I was furious.  It's rare when a really good song just comes to me like that.

"Really?" he said sarcastically, placing a hand on his heart, and dropping his jaw, pretending to look offended.  "And I thought I was doing good doll face?" he said, holding up a hand, pretending to shun me.

"For the love of God, stop calling me that!" I screamed. I had no idea I could get so angry at people.  Maybe I wasn't as soft spoken as people thought.  

I looked at the ground, and then to the cello.  I was starting too remember the melody again.  I pressed on the strings, and slowly moved the bow across them, creating beautiful music.  It all came back to me now.  I hit the space bar on my lap top so it would start recording.  I began the first verse of the song.  there wasn't any lyrics, but it sounded like there should be.  I played the first verse, and moved onto the chorus.  This was the best song I've ever done on the cello.  Soon, I was on the final course of the melody.

"This is going fantastic!" Ray blurted out from the audience.  He just messed up the recording.  I didn't stop playing, but I pressed harder on the strings, trying my best to contain my anger.  When I finished the song, I placed the cello on the ground next to my bow, and jumped off the stage.  I walked up to him.

"What do you want from me?!  Did you seriously have to mess up the recording like that?  Seriously?" I screamed, placing my hands on my head and groaned with rage.  He was silent for a while, but wore that same cheesy smile, and still looked into my eyes. He was trying to hypnotize me or something, I swear.

"So when do you think we could get together and work on our project?" he said, smiling widely.  I wanted to smack him so bad....

"Are you for real?" I said.  I got back on stage, ready to pack up my things.  It was my last free period today.  Luckily it was Friday.  I walked over to my laptop, ready to turn it off, when I realized that it had been recording all of this time,  even after I jumped off stage and started screaming at him.  I hit stop.  Ray saw what happened, and started laughing his head off.  Who did he think he was?  This was not a joking matter.  I just saved the recording, and packed up my things.  I wished I had the cello for myself.  I wished I had all of these things for myself, but sadly, the only things I owned were the piano, and my dad's old guitar.  I borrowed the rest of the instruments.  I took the cello back to the orchestra room,  and gathered the rest of my things. 

I jumped off stage, and started walking.  Ray was following me.  Once we were in the hallway,, he came up beside me.  He was so good at annoying people.  I looked at him.  He had his cheesy smile, and beautiful eyes.  I studied the rest of his face, suddenly memorized by it.  I guess I had never taken time to really study it.  He was actually.... attractive.  I slapped myself back to reality, silently cursing myself for thinking like that.

"Like what you see there?" he said stopping, and smoothing back his hair, posing.  I smothered my laugh, and replaced it with anger.  But it was too late.  I was already flushed bright red.  He knew I'd been staring at him.   "Hey, it's okay.  I understand, you can't keep your eyes off me.  I have to say that I've been having a real problem with you too," he said smirking.  

I kept walking, trying to get away from him, but he caught up with me, and walked shoulder to shoulder with me, so we were touching.  I'll admit.... I kind of liked it....  But I tried not to, and walked as fast as I could to class.


In social studies, it seemed to take forever for our teacher to shut up.  She was giving us tips on how to set up our project, but I heard nothing.  I kept staring.  I kept catching myself, turning away, but finding myself staring at him again.  I told myself I hated him.  I wasn't supposed to stare at him, because he was so annoying, but he was too attractive!

"You ready to start our project doll face?" Ray asked, pulling a chair up, so he was looking at me from the other side of my desk.  He smiled, and folded his hands.  He was so stupid.

"Not with you," I mumbled, and avoided his eyes.

"That's the spirit!  Okay, so there are three parts to our project. The written report about how we think the civil war has affected our lives, the visual concept about one of he most important people in black history, and then the creative writing about the idea in general.  I was thinking we could start out with the written report since it's the most time consuming.  We have two weeks, so if we get together a couple times a week and work a little in class, we should be okay," he explained. Wow.  He really had everything figured out.

"Oh boy," I said with fake excitement.  He grinned.

"Want to get together after school today?" he asked.

"Um...." I said.  He could not come over my house and see my mom... It's not that I was embarrassed of her, it's just that nobody had come over my house since the incident.  My mom never left.  We had enough money because the government takes care of military families.

"We don't have to meet up at your house," he said, like he was reading my mind.

"How did you-?"

"Your face explains a lot.... I can tell when someone is feeling conflicted...It's okay, we can go to the library," he said.  It was the first time I had heard this tone of voice. Usually he spoke in the "I'm the funniest person ever" tone.  This tone was gentle.... almost caring.  I looked up at him.  I allowed myself to look into his beautiful eyes for a brief moment, but quickly looked away again.

"Okay... Thanks," I said softly. He held out his phone for my to add my number in.  I did, took one last look at him and left that torturous building.




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-Cheesy Writer

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